Saturday, July 5, 2014

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One time I interviewed David Carson. We talked for a long time, maybe three hours, the Forsberg School in Stockholm. oxendales He was there for fifteen years after her big break with Beach Culture and Ray Gun, guest teach students about graphic design. Although David Carson for a few years, the graphic design heaven's brightest star, I had hesitated a little about meeting him. Carson's unmistakable oxendales aesthetics - the broken topography, the probes manipulated the pictures - have almost entirely disappeared. Interviewing a person who meant an awful lot in a very short time, but hardly do it today, was not an obvious choice. I'm glad I went there. oxendales David Carson turned out to be nothing more than a style. His approach to the design and the designer's mission oxendales was both intelligent and refreshing. For it was just as David Carson's famous oxendales expression oxendales is not an mannerisms, but simply the result of his personality. That Carson's design looks like it does is because he completely uses himself when he designs. He interprets the material and create a design that corresponds with his own sense. Or his own psyche, is probably more correct. Doing that Carson does one thing and gives two clear results. It requires, above all, courage. Much courage. To completely start from yourself emotionally, meaning you get an expression that is marked by your own experiences and opinions. It is not at all certain that it is especially viable. It is perhaps an expression that is too odd, that frightens. But the first clear result can perhaps compensate for this. Fact, it becomes a design that you and only you can deliver. oxendales Because your psyche has a unique composition, everything that processed there to get a unique shape. Not always groundbreaking and tokudda, but with a twist that only you can give. The second finding is that you will build their very own, distinctive expressions. Should a designer does not have its own expression? I agree about sometimes, but when I look at the profession's giants, I realize that it is mostly theoretical, idealistic bull poop. But yes, it can be dangerous to have its own expression, but on the other hand, it can be incredibly valuable as well. For the design goal is of course to create oxendales something that is distinctive, not the same as everything else. Giving his own interpretation and allow its design - or illustration, photography, text, or whatever it is - is characterized by a self, is creepy and scary. What if people do not like what they see, not like you? But not worried. Perhaps some will Negga. But when you expose yourself, there will always be more people who agree with than against. How it works people. I promise. Try it yourself.
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