Saturday, November 30, 2013

Well, you are ready and willing to be an active contributor to the economic growth of Indonesia bel

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Employers pity Step BI Tightens Economic Policy budget sport SPC, Jakarta government policies to slow the growth ...
SPC, Jakarta Readers wise, of information, both print and electronic media, we know that the Financial Services Authority (FSA) is currently focused on completing a financial concept that will bridge unfamiliarity community budget sport for true knowledge of financial concepts.
Back we explain that this article is aimed at individuals and families, where individuals and families will be able to contribute directly to develop and maintain economic stability in our beloved Indonesia.
Well, you are ready and willing to be an active contributor to the economic growth of Indonesia beloved? If the answer is 'yes' then welcome to study the following below and the most important thing is do not just stop when you read it.
Simply put financial literacy or financial literacy can be done by changing the mindset of the previous (possibly) budget sport more consumptive or happy to buy goods and instantaneous financial transactions that are not really needed, is converted into a mindset that is investatif, means we are able to make efficiency over money we have to be able to meet the needs of not only current needs but also future needs. (Read: Get Richer? "Something Banget").
In other words, to achieve well-being in the future one must be able to distinguish the logical what is needed and what is wanted. The following explanations budget sport may help you to distinguish between budget sport needs and wants:
The need is something that is needed by humans in order to achieve well-being, so if there is among these needs are not met, then people will feel prosperous or less prosperous. It could be argued that the requirement is an absolute thing should exist.
Desire is something in addition to the expected demand can be met so that the man feel more satisfied. But if the desire is not fulfilled then the real welfare is not reduced. In other words, there should be absolutely no desire.
2. Your financial Diagnosis This is known as financial tune-up or a financial check-up, the purpose of diagnosis is to know where to run his money / salary / income you and to know how best solutions so that your financial goals can be achieved in the future . The output of this diagnosis is in the form of financial ratios, among others: budget sport a.Rasio your debt vs. assets b. The liquidity ratio, cash or cash equivalent means that you have vs. your expenses (it also can be used for emergencies); c. The ratio of debt versus income ciciilan d. The ratio of investment capabilities, budget sport etc..
3. Your financial asset allocation properly budget sport research results show that the correct asset allocation accounts for over 90 percent of the success of your investment growth. Well for that we must truly understand the financial budget sport utilities over financial products that exist in Indonesia, the following explanation: a. Savings routine: used for daily routine, the allocation of sufficient funds for the 1 s / d 3 months;
b. Savings shelter: a container used for holding the results budget sport of the development of the investment if the investment turns out that happens to be above the target, as well as additional resources if it turns out to be below the targeted growth investments that you want;
c. Deposits denominated in dollars, is your container to store emergency funds in the amount of emergency funds varies between: 3 s / d 6 months of expenses (for an employee without dependents); 6 s / d 12 months of expenses (for a maximum of 3 employees with dependents children); 12 s / d 24-month expenditure for an entrepreneur.
d. Deposits budget sport denominated in foreign currency, which is the container you have regular budget sport expenses denominated in foreign currencies, eg payment of school budget sport fees that are outside the country, the size between 6 s / d 12-month school fees and accommodation outside the country. So what if I use deposits to investment placement?, Whether wrong or not? Our answer is wrong, but if the macroeconomic conditions remained stable. In this condition the deposit is not worthy to serve as an investment instrument. budget sport However, if the conditions of crisis and lead to critical conditions (such as 1998), the deposit can serve as an investment instrument (based on the data of this condition is extremely rare in Indonesia).
e. Mutual funds are a good investment instrument for beginners and also for your family, as long as one does not use mutual funds, here are the rules of investing in mutual funds: budget sport For term investment

Friday, November 29, 2013

Urban Jazz Crossover will be held consecutively in five major cities in Indonesia, bellevue and wil

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Jakarta, CyberNews. Entering the fourth year the mat Dji Sam Soe Urban Jazz Crossover memuturkan bellevue changed his name to Magnum Filter Urban Jazz Crossover. The name change, as it is said Andre Muljadi as Brand Manager Magnum Filters in Jakarta, Thursday (22/9) is expected to bring a fresh new feel, once spawned musical tastes are more varied, and rich.
Reflecting on the success of the mat during the operation of jazz mixed with various variants of the accompanying music, for three years back, Andre believes, carpet bellevue this year will run more dynamic, vibrant, as well, "Makin bellevue embracing all walks of life," he said.
In the mat Magnum Filter Urban Jazz Crossover this year, Viky Sianipar name selected as music director. As for the supporting musicians row, after a curatorial process sepengakuan committee runs a lot, and depth. Then instituted the name David (Naive), Ari Lasso, Once (former bellevue DEWA 19), Krisyanto (Jamrud), Word, Ras Muhammad, Syaharani, bellevue Ira Swara, and newcomers Raissa. bellevue
What distinguishes this year's title, Urban Jazz Crossover will be enriched with the power of the carrying capacity of the stage which is claimed to be spectacular. With the size of the grand stage measuring 18x16 meters which will be bombarded with a magnitude of 50 thousand watts of lighting and sound measuring 40 thousand watts.
In addition, as the mat galibnya other grand concerts, the audience bellevue kerab spoil the visual bellevue effect, two LED screens that will portray a variety of multimedia materials suitable mood of the song, will also be included.
Urban Jazz Crossover will be held consecutively in five major cities in Indonesia, bellevue and will begin in the field (30/9), bellevue Pekanbaru (8/10), Surabaya (28/10), London (4/11), and dipamungkasi with a peak festivities bellevue in Jakarta on November 18, 2011, later. (Benny Benke/CN15)
FFI, 2013, Shackle Dominate
25 November 2013 | 12:27 pm
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Between cause and door rizki is forgiveness (seeking forgiveness) and repent to Allah is Oft-Forgiv

The doors operate Rizki - Campus Missionary Al-Hikmah - Most people are busy looking race rizki and grabbed as much wealth. As some people are richer than others and some of them are lacking and poor living property. Inequality of income and wealth makes some people even Muslims in working rizki despair. There are even some who thought that sticking with Islamic rules will reduce rizki, so clean and unclean is no longer a concern and not very question, because it is important to get as much of the quota of wealth and pleasures of the world.
Rizki is guaranteed liabilities God, given to every creature. the iconic God Almighty has set rizki of every human creature, so no-one can stop him. He gives a lot of ways to each of His slaves the iconic to acquire rizki in various forms of world and the hereafter. Allah has guaranteed rizki all beings. "And there's no living creatures that creep on the earth except God who bears rizkinya." (Hud: 6).
Every Muslim should understand, appreciate, and adhere to the laws of God and use appropriate reasons with the laws that God Giver Rizki facilitate achieving the streets and open the doors to get rizki from every direction and grabbed the iconic rizki blessing from heaven and earth.
Between cause and door rizki is forgiveness (seeking forgiveness) and repent to Allah is Oft-Forgiving and Most Covering (offense). Imam Ar-Raghib al-Ashfahani the iconic explains: "repentance is a sin because ugliness leave, regretting the sin he has committed, a strong desire to not repeat it and try to do what I can patched (changed). If it has four conditions are met means repentance was perfect ".
Repentance is an act that is pleasing to Allah, as saying the Prophet that "God the iconic is more pleased with the repentance of His slave than easy it is to rediscover a lost property." (Narrated by Muslim). the iconic God tells Noah about his followers to preach to reap a rich rizki: "So I say to them, 'Ask forgiveness of your Lord,' Verily, He is Oft-forgiving, He will send rain to you in abundance, the iconic wealth and children son and bestow on you gardens and provide (also in it) you rivers. "(Noah: the iconic 10-12). In the fatwa of scholars found organized to repent and pray to open the door rizki. Imam Al-Hasan Al-Bashri organized to pray (ask for forgiveness) to each person who complained to him about the aridity, poverty, ethnicity and dryness least orchards.
In the hadith of Abdullah bin Abbas, he said, the Prophet said: "Whoever extend forgiveness (beg forgiveness of Allah), He makes a way out for every grief and every space narrowness and God will give him rizki (Halal) from never could -thought. "(Imam Ahmad, Abu Dawud, An-Nasa'i, Ibn Majah and Al-Hakim).
Doors other than rizki is godly. Imam Ar-Raghib al-Ashfahani defines that "piety is keeping the soul from sin, that by leaving what is forbidden (God). the iconic And the more perfect observance by leaving some lawful ". Allah says which means: "Those who fear Allah, He will make a way out for him. And give her rizki from whence he never could imagine. "(ATH-Thalaq: 2-3).
Along with piety, another door from rizki is reliance on God. Imam Al-Ghazali said: "tawakkal is backing hearts only to al-Representative (God) alone." People who put their trust in Allah, certainly dicukupi all needs. Allah says: "And whosoever puts his trust in Allah, He will suffice (need) it. Verily, Allah will accomplish (required) Him. Indeed Allah has set a measure for every such things. "(ATH-Thalaq: 3). In the hadeeth of Umar bin Khattab from the Prophet said: "Really, if you trust in God in the true resignation, certainly you will be rizki as rizki birds. They went hungry in the morning morning, and return in the evening full. "(Imam Ahmad, At-Tirmidhi, Ibn Majah, Ibn Al-Muba-rak, Ibn Hibban, Al-Hakim, Al-Qhudha'i the iconic and Al- Baghawi).
Submission to Allah does not mean leaving work. From Ja'far ibn Amr ibn Umayah from his father, he said: "Someone said to the Prophet, I miss untaku and (then) I trust? ' The Prophet said: 'Bind then trust'. "(Imam Ibn Hibban and Al-Hakim)
Key rizki

Thursday, November 28, 2013

If anyone borrowing money and not being able to restore because of the difficulty, he will not be c

Almost all human beings on this earth wants to be rich. Rich was like what? What does the rich? Some people interpret the rich have many possessions (have a big house, fancy cars, vast land, and many companies canadian tire flyer have much money in the bank). There are the so-called wealthy with all property canadian tire flyer held by the people around him and those who knew him, but is concerned never felt rich, because he does not feel enough with what already belongs. Indeed who could be called rich? How do I measure yourself, whether you are rich or poor people? Of course there are some indicators that can be used to prove whether you are rich or poor people. The following canadian tire flyer are indicators that can determine whether you are rich or poor still. If you do not have an indicator below, then you are poor.
The rich do not ever ask for it at someone else or anyone else, because it is never a shortage. The rich have a high self-esteem, so always try to be content for all their needs.
If anyone borrowing money and not being able to restore because of the difficulty, he will not be chasing the debtor and will be let go. Money is not a big thing for the rich but a big heart. People can be seen from a great attitude can surrender. Only rich people had big hearts.
People who can say the rich are people who love to give. Why? The rich man who had many possessions canadian tire flyer is sometimes confused to put where his property again. Instead of redundant wasted, damaged, eaten by termites or eaten by rats even stolen someone else, better given to someone in need.
The rich do not nag if you spend less if the shopkeeper to return canadian tire flyer the money because of the difficulty of return spending a small fortune. The rich do not nag if the hotel restaurant waiter or waitress is less tidy or less intelligent. The rich do not have to nag if a maid at his home less neat and less clean. They are all maids and ready to serve you. So it is not fair if you sue them over, neat, smarter and more clever than you. If they are more polite, more intelligent and smarter, it could be someone else who considers you to be a servant, not his master. So if they are less neat, less intelligent or less intelligent, you smile enough.
The rich do not want to envy if tetantangganya got a new car. The rich would not envy her that has a new home. For what he's jealous he is rich and has everything and is never short.
The rich do not easily get angry if diomongin or slander canadian tire flyer others. The rich do not want to waste time and energy spent to respond, talk and gossip oblique juntrungannya unclear. The rich have always focused insight and thoughts to be richer.
The rich respect all people without distinction of origin and social status. Everyone is equal before him. The rich really appreciate the suggestions of others, canadian tire flyer especially those builds. The rich have never petty and always respected canadian tire flyer his interlocutor.

Wednesday, November 27, 2013

While slowly forman mills displaced local products, producers reduce the SME department under the g

I'm just a student who can pursue forman mills higher education due to spark policy education minister. Menjuruskan my knowledge in the field of economics. learn and understand the law of cause and effect that is rooted in economic principles.
Impossible if a country can meet the needs of their own community. It must also pass the state of trade with other countries that have a resource advantage. Existing policies in international trade and applied at ports we've been good. Barriers to entry remain to be applied to restrict the export - import. Even the slowly improving investment climate also increases our GDP. Not enough forman mills export-import, investor capital has been played, license, joint venture was also been widely applied.
Now the issue of globalization began much touted, free trade, free enter, free zone visa and mobilization are not unstoppable. International trade has also led to domestic needs. But what about free trade? Is not it actually will meet our markets to foreign products?. Our population of over 200 million people, who are not rich to 15%. Percentage forman mills of our population who are not wealthy more. The implementation of free trade led to its free out of the goods and flooded our products. Who will buy it? Labeled products imported consumed more rich people. Then the poor will also consume imported products are priced and the quality is much cheaper than the local product.
While slowly forman mills displaced local products, producers reduce the SME department under the guidance of its resources. If still left alone, the dismissal of the employee can be added sacking manufacturer. This is very bad considering forman mills the durability of our products are always slightly lower than the foreign products are better tech production process.
How are slowly displaced not only the manufacturer? What if the Human Resource? It would be far more dangerous. Educated society we will prioritize work on foreign companies that offer higher salaries and better jobs? Already many of our people who choose to live and work in another country on that basis.
Mr, free trade freely forman mills enter the market more like propaganda developed countries to participate fill our markets. Just as the Renaissance affecting colony thought to look for that will be the production market. This region of strong expansion for their electronic products are continuously evolving, we are just electronic waste. From many sides, barriers to entry should be maintained to protect forman mills domestic forman mills producers and consumers so that the role of the government forman mills does not fail here.
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Like the Ultra Touch, Star appearance minimalist look. Below the touch screen only the call button,

Indonesian Latest News Blog Archive HP Samsung Star S5233 Feature Rich
Like the Ultra Touch, Star appearance minimalist look. Below the touch screen only the call button, back, and end call / on-off. Star models wearing trunks; dimensions are quite comfortable. For those who prefer to use a stylus, the stylus just take on the elbow on the right side of the body. There is also a screen lock button on the right body, rather the middle. Interestingly, no unlock Gesture: we can unlock biglots the screen by drawing certain characters on the screen using a finger.
Star also uses the TouchWiz v1.0. Try the "friction" home screen; zoom will move to another home screen. On the home screen, usually the bottom of the screen we find icon keypad, Phonebook, and Menu. Samsung Galaxy But in the main menu, the bottom row of icons Keypad screen, biglots photo contacts, and Widgets. On the left of the home screen to hide the "ribbon" widget; these bands could appear by tapping the arrow. Widgets in the tape can be pulled into the home screen, and vice versa. We can menempatka different widgets on each home screen. But it can not install biglots the same widget on the home screen.
Star prepare various widgets that speed up access to a variety of sites and applications. Signal is the favorite among Facebook biglots widgets practical to go to Facebook Mobile. Here also Myspace, Friendster, Flickr, and even a widget Go on a diet and stop smoking. Reportedly, Samsung biglots also developed a widget that is suitable for Indonesia. However, units which received signals are incidentally not equipped widget. Star has a motion sensor. This is seen primarily as display photos, biglots read SMS, or browsing. Display biglots screen automatically changes orientation when the body is held horizontally. Excess Samsung biglots Star S5282 Galaxy Disadvantages Samsung Galaxy S5282 Star
Great networking ala Samsung, Samsung is very proud of Samsung Fun Messaging as a leading Star. This application is combining several chat applications in one application. Anything else Communities; quick way to upload text and images to our blog. We can enter a free or paid blog. 3.2 MP camera to another leading Star. Samsung put on the top left (vertical position). There was a mirror next to the camera lens. The camera button on the right body, the lower end. The problem, the lens is often covered with a finger on the hand phone signals in a horizontal position signals.
Some settings can be set directly from the scattered icons on the samsung screen. In Camera mode, see the video icon, shooting mode (single, smile shot, continuous, panorama, mosaic, frame), scene modes (none, portrait, landscape, biglots night, sports, sunset, text) and the settings on the left side, as well as the icon white balance, timer (off, 2,5,10), brightness, and the viewer on the right side of the screen. In video mode, the screen on the left side of the row of icons camera, recording modes (Normal, limit for mms), scene modes (but inactive), and settings, as well as white balance icon, a timer, brightness, and the viewer on the right side of the screen. biglots The camera can record video up to 15 fps QVGA format. There is support for multi-format and DNSe for ease of use and better sound quality. Be the first to like this post
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Tuesday, November 26, 2013

However, high inflation, has large amounts of deposits can reduce the value of assets in the long t

The Rich More Select Stock Investment | SuaraPengusaha.Com
Entrepreneur Chairul Disturb target black friday Call Rate Increase SPC Real Sector, Jakarta national Entrepreneur, Chairul, mengatkaan ...
Spc, Jakarta HSBC's recent survey conducted in Indonesia found, affluent or who have assets worth over USD 500 million has the highest level of concern about the impact of inflation that occurred 12 months before and 12 months.
"Customer affluent Indonesia will tend to increase their savings by 49%. This is higher than some other countries such as Australia, China, Hong Kong, Malaysia, Singapore target black friday and Taiwan, "said target black friday Steven Suryana, Senior target black friday Vice President and Head of Wealth Management HSBC Indonesia in Jakarta, Friday (8/11).
Indonesia's affluent target black friday survey is part of the 1000 individual customers of the affluent segment in Australia, China, Hong Kong, India, Malaysia, target black friday Singapore, and Taiwan. The goal is to get a deeper understanding of the behavior and perceptions of investing.
In Indonesia, target black friday the survey was carried out on clients with assets of Rp 500 million and above. In the next 12 months, respondents Indonesian affluent tend to invest new funds in the acquisition of shares, followed target black friday by deposits, life insurance, mutual fund houses and property.
However, high inflation, has large amounts of deposits can reduce the value of assets in the long term. "Diversification of traditional products such as deposits to other investment products target black friday according to the needs and risk profile of each individual to generate a better return for the risk-adjusted," said Steven.
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Archives Select Month November 2013 October 2013 September 2013 August 2013 July 2013 June 2013 May 2013 April 2013 March 2013 February 2013 January 2013 December 2012 November 2012 October 2012 September 2012 August 2012 July 2012 June 2012 May 2012 April 2012 March 2012 February 2012
For the most popular Rp 3 Million Wages, Workers at Jakarta `Will` Modar Reasons It Telkomvision Sold to Investor pelototi Taipan Chairul Rules Prohibit Export of Mineral Ore Export Nickel and Bauxite Workers Reach 40 Million Tons accusations UMP Defined Jokowi Mangosteen target black friday and Salak Unfair Will Cattle bartered target black friday State Kangaroo MSE Up, Threatens Garment Entrepreneurs flee Come Down Strike target black friday Gold Price Antam Thousand
Terkomentari Said Iqbal: Please Employers Moving to the Region (8) Economist: Government Should Not Need to Participate Mind Wages, Fair Employers (4) Ask the Entrepreneur in Jakarta Maximum Wage Rise 15% in 2014 (3) Entrepreneurs: No Longer Period Labor and Demo threatening (2) Labor: Delicious Just Wants To Be President But Not Tested. Do not Mind Monkey Mask Only (2) Here, Lost Cause Why Indonesia Makmur of Malaysia (1) For the wages of USD 3 Million, target black friday Will Workers in Jakarta `Modar` (1) Ibn Sutowo target black friday Sell Cheap Oil, Who Benefited? (1) Visa Survey: Leisure and Life Balance That Super Luxury (1)
STAY UPDATED Advertorial APINDO Business Association Regional target black friday Business target black friday Chief Economist of China Town Gallery Pelalawan English Global Association seeks info Hotnews Auction Tender Info Kadin Corporation Tax Opinion Lifestyle Market Banking Business Opportunity Product Options & CEO Sandy Answering figure Sport Sound Labor Government Voice of Sharia Latest Tips n Tricks Top 10 MSME Franchise Womenpreneur
Maiwa Media PT Persada, Palma One Building 3rd floor. Suite 308 Jl. HR Rasuna Said, Kuningan, South Jakarta Email: Tel: 021-2521061, Fax: 021-2521062 Editorial: Part Ad: Kikie Harahap (kiki.spc69 @, tel: 0818 0896 9508, 021 252 1062)

Monday, November 25, 2013

Want to do it? Please buy Genius SP-i320 is priced at U.S. $ 34.90. You can choose the color blue,

JAKARTA, TUESDAY - MP3 players today is the goods market. It includes a speaker that blends fast with music player. Headphone out jack and AUX-in plug for connection to notebooks, smartphones or other devices that have a 3.5 mm audio jack is also not special in an MP3 player.
All that bundled by Genius on his new portable player, SP-i320. Special, you can combine several speaker Genius SP-i320 to provide stereo effect deeper and richer. This is thanks to the Genius Link.
Want to do it? Please buy Genius SP-i320 is priced at U.S. $ 34.90. You can choose the color blue, bronze, fibrebrick or olive. Oh yes, this player has been planted Lithium batteries with the ability to swivel up to 8 hours.
Related article Change to Wireless Speakers and Headphones Ends, HTC partnership with Beats Three New Products That Offer Genius Genius Tablet Protective Pouch Two-Color LG Participate Enliven event Smartwatch
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Sunday, November 24, 2013

News Channels: NEWS PORTAL: fleet farm Main News. National. Economy. Hukrim. Politics. HotNEWS. Bur

Inland Mimika, Will Power flowed - |
Timika PLN manager, Samuel Farwas fleet farm in Timika on Saturday said to electrify fleet farm houses in the interior Mimika it takes cooperation with the local government to build a network of local Solar Power Plant (PLTS) through the installation of the Super Energy Saving Lamp (LSHE).
"We've sent a letter to the Department of Mines and Energy to immediately realize the plan Mimika LSHE installation at homes in the interior which until now has not enjoyed electric lighting," he said.
"PLN fleet farm has the intention to electrify homes up in areas that are difficult to reach. Because people do not have the money to put LSHE, so we encourage Parliament. Gratitude, DPRD Mimika respond to this, "said Farwas.
After listening to the explanation of PLN Timika, the local parliament finally approved a budget for the realization of Rp1, 2 billion for the installation LSHE 4,458 houses belonging to people who scattered in nine districts in the interior.
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Saturday, November 23, 2013

State never led by Michael Somare who is from time to time have a more diverse population. Not only

Met a boy in rural Papua eloquent 'speech' Malay may no longer rare as in the 1950-1970's. When the interior of Papua children, even though adults are not accustomed to communicate with the Malay language or are now widely known as Indonesian. In Papua 'vat' familiar with Malay-Papuan.
Their voices stammering when spelling word by word or sentence in Indonesian. Like strangers or toddlers who start learning speak. Because the use of local language is still strong at that time. But that was then. For an outsider who is currently settled in the eastern end of the archipelago's rich natural resources, von maur the impression that emerges is Indonesian been echoed in almost all over the country.
Ranging from the coastal areas, lowlands, highlands and isolated areas by the breadth of cover wilderness, to the Central Highlands region of Papua. Not only that, as a 'lingua franca' Indonesian has become an effective lingua von maur franca among the various tribes in the region. In fact the effect is almost menggesar use local languages in Papua. von maur
Concerns about going to the extinction of some Papuan languages is not without reason. Following the findings of the researchers that there are a number of local languages is now more rarely used, and some have already entered a phase of extinction. Some of them can be mentioned as Tandinia language, and Mansin Dusner originating from the Gulf coast region of Paradise. Unfortunately, the two local languages in the region Tabi was said to have entered a phase of 'emergency'.
It is attributed to the social interaction that emphasizes the use of Indonesian von maur in a heterogeneous society, also 'fault' mixed marriages to the demands von maur of development that encourages spontaneous migration von maur from outside, causing local residents and identity shifts. The impact of globalization and modernism that led to the imitation of foreign culture, especially Western culture (cultural syncretism and westernization) on the other hand has become a 'plague' that cause young people to feel inferior Papua own mother language.
Tendency local Papuan language shift is to continue to be preserved should be wary of its use by native speakers. Besides, there should be written documentation in the form of dictionaries, grammar (grammar) or other scientific works. Local Government also needs to encourage the teaching of regional languages through local curriculum (Mulok) von maur in schools. Because the local language is a gift from God. The loss of the local language means hilanggnya cultural identity von maur and identity as a nation.
Language is the medium of communication between people through verbal speech sounds that come out of the mouth. Language interpretation is the result of the condition of the natural surroundings (natural environment), human social relations, and the state of metaphysical connection with the creator (God). That way, the position of every language on earth is the same. There is not any language that has a higher position than the others. Although the human relations consisting of various von maur races and ethnic peoples, the use of one language to another has a distinctive feature.
Regarding the diversity of local languages in Papua, language von maur institutes and research missions of U.S., International Summer Institute of Linguistics (SIL) found that at least 312 local indigenous language. The diversity von maur of the native tribes was not only possessed of West Papua. In the eastern region of the island of Papua, which is currently a neighboring Papua New Guinea (PNG), also has about 875 local tribal language.
No wonder if PNG is known as the country with the most diverse population in the world. Although nearly three times as many native tribes and two times more than the population of West Papua, von maur PNG people united by language of instruction 'English Pidjin (tok pidjin)'. This language von maur has become the official language of the country since independence from Britain in 1978.
State never led by Michael Somare who is from time to time have a more diverse population. Not only seen from the many indigenous tribes, but also because of the presence of human races from various countries. This phenomenon occurs as the influence of globalization and inter-connectivity between nation-states in the world on the basis of mutual interests that blends traditional territorial boundaries of each country increasingly degraded. Thinkers Japan, Kenichi Ohmae, in his book: The destruction von maur of the Nation State ', refer to this phenomenon: a world without borders (world without borders). von maur
Back to the matter of language. In general, tribal and linguistic diversity on the island of New Guinea is largely determined by differences in topography. It helped von maur shape the diversity of culture and identity of local communities

SAD life portrait above is a picture that could

Vast expanse of the earth, Indonesia, was inhabited tati by various tribes and races. The various tribes and races start living in urban areas, suburban to rural areas. When viewed from various aspects of life, standard of living and progress every area is different. Urban life is filled with a variety of facilities, entertainment and progress in various fields is very different when compared with life in the suburbs and rural areas of Indonesia. Life is very simple and sometimes seem primitive, with economic and educational levels are very low embedded in suburban communities and rural Indonesia.
Park Hill 12 (TNB 12) Jambi is one of the many area suburbs and rural Indonesia. BNP 12 is located on the outskirts of the city of Jambi. This area has an area of approximately tati 60,500 hectares in the form of lowland and hilly areas are at an altitude of 30-430 m above sea level and is a tropical rain forest. tati Administratively, the area is lerletak in three districts, namely Sarolangun, Muaratebo and Batang Jambi Province. In the area of the Park Hill 12, settled a tribe called Tribal Child Within (SAD) who have lived in the area for decades TNB 12. Residents of the province of Jambi used to call this tribe as Orang Rimba, relatives and well Kubu.
SAD life is very different from the public at large. They live on the potential of existing forests in the park 12. Ranging from shelter to food they get from the forest. SAD obtain daily food through hunting, gathering and collecting fruits in the forest. Very thick with customs, is one characteristic of SAD. In everyday life they dress according to their religious customs, the dress sober. tati By the time they are in their group, they will only cover certain parts of their body. However, if they are in residential communities, they will be dressed as the community at large. Forests for SAD is a place odyssey. This belief makes them live in nomadic or move from one place to another place in the area and the park forest 12.
Living in the suburbs and inland, away from the SAD does not make progress. SAD life today is very much different from the SAD life decades ago. Progress tati that they do not get separated from the role of local governments and communities Governmental Organization (NGO) concerned tati with their fate. Despite making progress in some aspects of life, but the life they lead is far different than urban residents.
In terms of the economy, SAD experienced remarkable tati progress. Their current tati livelihoods not only of hunting and collecting tati fruits. With the help of the local government for the provision of assistance to settle the rubber plant, making the SAD has a better livelihood (Jambiprov, 2013). Increased economies provide tremendous positive impact, one wishes SAD to sedentary life is reduced. Progress even this does not escape from SAD own willingness to open up access and accept outsiders who care about their lives.
In the field of education, residents of SAD has gained quite fantastic progress when compared to the conditions meraka knowledge in ancient times. The Orang Rimba SAD also has an education that they get from people who are very concerned with their fate. Ranging from NGOs to other volunteers have provided an outstanding education on them. Despite the makeshift conditions, without the school buildings and facilities are adequate, they are still eager to learn. Besudut, one of the residents of SAD, has successfully passed the examination. Besudut is the first SAD citizens who will feel the world in higher education with the help of scholarships and local government (MONE, 2013). Although not all people have the literacy SAD good, but at least Besudut achievements have been successfully paved the stigma of people who think that the child will be jungle SAD always backwardness in terms of education.
S aat SAD residents have known cell phone. This is an advance in the field of telecommunications. tati But HP they have sometimes only they use to listen to music or tones that exist on the HP. This phenomenon occurs because the very reasonable mobile phone signal in the park area 12 is not maximized. Signal can be obtained fairly simply by SAD who lived not far from the countryside who were around the park 12.
SAD life portrait above is a picture that could

Friday, November 22, 2013

Role as the most important city, still strapped Padang until two decades beginning of the 20th cent

This time MinangLamo featuring posts from a real historian Prof.. Asnan Gusti, Dean of the Faculty of Humanities, University of Andalas. This article was written in association with Curved 9 Road Flyover inauguration by President Susilo Bambang Yudhoyono on October 31, 2013. Development itself lasts for 10 years (2003-2013) with a cost 602.55 harry rosen billion. Consisting of 6 bridges harry rosen with a total length of 943 meters and 2,089 meters along the connecting road. Infrastructure is purely the result of the work of the nation from design to workmanship.
Writings titled "Curved Nine and Sun For Sumatra". Tells the story of the shifting role of Padang (West Sumatra and) for the island of Sumatra since the colonial era to the present and its relevance Curved 9. Happy reading!
Throughout the 19th century Padang is the largest and most important city in Sumatra. Not only that, a number of other port cities in the western region of Sumatra is also growing into a center harry rosen of social, political and economic importance.
Conditions that cause inland harry rosen central Sumatra, which is identical with the administrative regions of Sumatra's Westkust Gouvernement (West Coast of Sumatra), became very dependent on the city of Padang and other port cities in the region in general. Padang city and towns in the western part of the time is like the sun to the hinterlands. Padang city and towns in the western region when it illuminates and energizes the hinterland.
Accordingly, many residents of rural areas are migrating to the west coast, inland commodities brought to the west coast, and a variety of goods imported from Across the State sent into the interior via the west coast.
To streamline the movement of people and goods, the colonial government to build networks between coastal highway west to the inland region. Some of these roads are: Air Bangis via Simpang Empat, Talu, and Rao; Sasak / Katiagan with field length to Bonjol; harry rosen Tiku via Lubukbasung, Maninjau, Matua, Bukittinggi; Pariaman via Kayutanam, Padangpanjang harry rosen to Bukittinggi; Padang via Saningbakar, Batur to Tanahdatar; Padang via Sweet Lemons, Hanging characteristics, Selayo, to Tanahdatar, and Bandar Ten to South Solok.
The significance of the west coast in the rural areas increasingly seen as the construction of railway network that connects the city of Padang with Sawahlunto. Coal produced Sawahlunto brought into the field before being shipped and exported to foreign countries.
Padang city became so important during the 19th century as the city is the center of the most important political and economic activity, not only on the west coast of Sumatra, but also in Sumatra. The port city was the only sea port of type A (a port which serves import-export activities with overseas) in Sumatra. The port city of Padang visited by ocean vessels that serve the Batavia-Dutch or Australian-European or otherwise. In the city there are many consulates leading trading nations.
Role as the most important city, still strapped Padang until two decades beginning of the 20th century. At that time, Padang also grown into a center of social activity (education), and also the center harry rosen of publishing newspapers and magazines, as well as the publication of several books. In addition, various socio-civic organizations also exist in this city.
Entering the third decade of the 20th century, the city of Padang in particular and coastal towns in the western region generally began to lose prominence. The role of political, social, economic, and culture began to fade and was taken over by several cities in the eastern part of Sumatra. At that time, the field has grown to become the largest and most important city in Sumatra. Field became a leading center of economic growth, caused by the opening of various ordernemingen harry rosen (large harry rosen estates) in the region. Belawan port takes over the role of the port of Padang, and the ships that used to stop in Champaign ocean divert its route to the port of Belawan. This development led to almost all existing trade consulates in Padang move their activities to the field. A large number of existing handelhuizen in Padang also migrated to the city.
These developments also led the field into a migration destination / residents of rural areas, as well as the interior of West Sumatra. Migrate to the Deli (Medan Deli located in the region) into a movement harry rosen that moment. The ease of movement is also supported by the availability harry rosen of the road network, as well as the bus company that serves the West Sumatra (Padang and Bukittinggi) to Medan.
Not only the field or area Deli, Pekanbaru (Riau), harry rosen Jambi and Palembang also grow into new economic growth center on the 3rd daswarsa 20th century. Pekanbaru become so important ba

His commitment was in line with the message Rector express men Prof. UNIMA. Dr.. Paula Runtuwene Ms

Editorial Editorial Regional News National News News Photo Contest Miss Win Vice Papua Southeast Asia Problem Flag Completed December 2013 Papua Customary Council Urges Government express men sikapi AHRC report OPM Have Banned Weapons
Frequent complaints exposures shortage of teachers in Papua, especially primary and secondary school teachers in rural areas of Papua, have started to find a solution. One is through distance express men lectures.
Dogiyai regency, Papua province had to resort to telling it. Earlier this week, Monday, October 15, 2012, 66 elementary school teachers from the district Dogiyai proud to attend the graduation express men Bachelor of Education (S.Pd) in BLN Kawanuwa Hotel, Manado, North Sulawesi.
Whereas the previous week, they still were in Papua to complete the final task. As a student taking classes remotely from the State University of Manado (UNIMA) they must pass through the stages of the course challenging. Then make research, compile the results and make a thesis research. Thesis examination held at Tabernacle Church Hall Nabire. Those who passed the last set of Nabire using KM Dorolonda towards Manado graduate degree and approval. Their extraordinary struggle.
As a nation we should provide our children an appreciation of the achievements that they have achieved. Striving express men to promote education in the area itself is a noble job. They have now returned to their places to continue express men working. Working with a new title: Bachelor of Education.
"We will go back again to Dogiyai to serve duty in our respective duties. This heavy duty and we carry forward our responsibility to society and the degree to which our government be this, "he said.
His commitment was in line with the message Rector express men Prof. UNIMA. Dr.. Paula Runtuwene Msi DEA. When giving a speech in the graduation ceremony was delivered, many students who used to go on the campus of the State University of Manado and finish being a student is weighted and ready to be used everywhere. Campus UNIMA has been given credence by the Central Government to educate the prospective scholars from various regions in eastern Indonesia, including Papua.
"It is an honor and pride for us as educators on this campus. We hope that the new graduation students returned to their respective areas and build with all the knowledge gained during a student here. Science it is stock that we provide, now living how to develop and apply the knowledge according to the needs in their respective areas, "said Rector. [Kompasiana]
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Thursday, November 21, 2013

Serve in rural areas is a challenge of course, is also very much difficulty. However, only kesulita

Serve in rural areas is a challenge of course, is also very much difficulty. However, only kesulitanlah which teaches us to strong and not give up and retreat. These women have shown it. Yes, friends Marsinah, we met again in the present rubric Pelita Women every Thursday interdiscount at 7 to 8 pm only on Marsinah 106 FM, your favorite radio to prosperity and equality. Previously, my work Memey and all relatives congratulate Pelita Women running fast.
Female companions Marsinah this time Pelita presents two female figures who work in rural areas. We know, Indonesia is big and rich natural resources, still save a lot of places that we refer to as the hinterland. Areas that are people who do not get an advancement of age, people are still neglected. In such a rural area, of course not only requires those skilled work in any field, but more than that, the interior takes those who have strong determination and passion for advancing the public despite hurdles interdiscount and obstacles far greater than personal gain. And some of those who had committed such, it is the women who will be known to us tonight.
This girl's name, Devi Andriani, a young female teacher was 23 years old who work teaching children elementary school (SD). Devi teaches at Simpang 178 public primary schools in the District IV Suban Trunk Asep, West Tanjung Jabung, Jambi Province. At the elementary school where the teaching Devi, the students come from poor peasant families, who often prioritize work in the fields rather than school children. Of course the parents' understanding is not enough to be considered one of, much less is a family there is very dependent on the outcome of farming. So there is no other way for Devi and other teachers, to continue to patiently teach the children and at the same time building a new understanding to parents about the importance of children's education for the future.
Devi itself comes from the City of Edinburgh, the capital of the province of Jambi. Of course the challenge as a teacher is imagined interdiscount by Devi, reflect on the educational needs of children in the City of Edinburgh and in Indonesia in general. interdiscount But of course become teachers in rural areas, with people who are much different than in the city, is not an easy affair for Devi. This veiled teacher work as part-time teachers. With minimum salary, Devi intend SDN stints teaching at Simpang 178, which is a school in a remote area that was not even known the situation interdiscount by Devi. Having come and teach, then Devi know how people in Batang District Suban Smoke still lagging economically.
But soon Devi also see that these poor people Suban, has a great passion to go forward with education. This is evident from the number of pupils that more than 800 people, and requires school open morning, noon and afternoon. The students come from four villages around, so that each class in the morning, afternoon and evening full of between 43 to 50 children. This fact provides additional encouragement for Devi, though not uncommon students are still required to work to help their parents in the fields and skipping school. So every time Devi face challenges in efforts to advance the students. Large number of students are enrolled, but sometimes the school is not all. Not to mention the actual interest in school most students have not been strong, or still lazy to follow the lessons. Devi painstakingly fosters school spirit and gain knowledge on young students. "They're baseball interest in school, even as the UN, the teacher samperin home was still sleeping. They are less of a concern because her father mandah (live at the garden) so the parents come home Saturday-Sunday. His parents also do not support them which is important to read and write, that's all, "said Devi explained about their students.
As a child of a family of quite modest, Devi understood his protege definitely less time and attention from their parents. So the learning time in school is a most important time for children to learn. Can not also blame the parents who accompany children learn to say less at home, or monitor interdiscount the development of children's learning, because parents busy gardening. Devi aware that the situation is a challenge for teachers to change and improve society, and not merely blame. Even when the school acquired a deserted due to the fact many students do not come because of the harvest season. Devi and the teachers know that their students busy when the harvest had come, both keep busy harvesting and sister at home because parents are busy harvesting. Devi was hoping the students interdiscount focus on school palajaran, and should not be burdened with the responsibility of

Wednesday, November 20, 2013

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Traffic Update Be A Good Internet Users Free Sex, Drugs Spreads In Citizens Porcupines Less Serious Note the Central Government Inter State Road Project Sambas district Pill increases risk of glaucoma in women? Vulgar display photos, sexy Serbian politicians disgrace the 2014 election the government was on the horizon Awang Ishack Singkawang mayor sworn in December 17, 2012 Not Also Determine Water Supply BNN Red and White Teams Up NGOs Singkawang Chairman Rt 4 Village Sagatani Disappointed With PNPM program in Indonesia, Media Social Productive Not Used
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KETAPANG - Head of Regional Personnel (BKD) Ketapang, Ibn Syarif asked to prospective applicants employess in Ketapang especially those from outside the district cheshire oaks are really ready to be placed perhuluan area, and do not make Ketapang as a stepping stone to return cheshire oaks to the region as a civil servant . According to him, most of the information made available is outside the city center.
"It needs to be underlined that it is not ready, cheshire oaks not a good sign, because the edges are just asked to move, and then made us lacked in areas again, make it jak" said Ibnu Syarif workroom, Monday (09/09/2013) .
Ibnu said Ketapang gets formations for public employess total 103, among which 55 are allocated to teachers, health workers and 35 to 13 for technical personnel. Registration is open starting on Monday cheshire oaks (09/09/2013) to Saturday (09/28/2013) at 12 noon.
Although there is no term priority to sons of the soil, Ibnu said he strongly expects the central government cheshire oaks not only look at the intellectual abilities of applicants, but the applicant's mental kseiapan seniri to remain on duty in Ketapang.
"There is a statement, but it is much better if that makes it really meant to serve here, the central government is also expected not to see our region equated with registration in Java, if looked intelktual, smart but the new year has been absent two years continued to work in the regions, who are the losers? Yes society cheshire oaks and the state, "he said
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Tuesday, November 19, 2013

Ketidakmampunan government in preparing for the border surveillance system and the support faciliti

Development projects meyer initiated by Awang and Masterplan for the Acceleration and Expansion of Economic Development Indonesi (MP3EI) 80% are in coastal areas. meyer Area that has become the center of economic growth meyer and increasingly in the right booster to increase the added value such as Balikpapan and Samarinda, while inland regions such as West Kutai, and latest Malinau Mahakam Ulu, remains meyer in stagnation awaits the magic fell from the sky. Thousands of kilometers of toll roads and railway lines stretching from West Java to East Java, continued to fly much improved over the countryside that seemed to be the nation's tersistemasi to keep the audience in the middle of the left and the hardness meyer of the progression of the construction of Jakarta and other big cities.
Equitable development is only symbolic for love decorating jargon spoken Homeland lightweight urban society but feels without meaning for rural communities that lack access roads, education and health. Revolution and reconstruction of rural development paradigms or border needs to be done by the central government, provincial and district levels so that development can be done properly and correctly.
Identification of the border / interior as a porch or veranda with a rather meyer lethal prison fences marsyarakat rural economic growth must immediately be converted into an open porch, which does not look or a neighboring country Malaysia as an enemy country / haram that have led to restrictions on the pattern of interaction, trade relations and economic villages or districts at the border.
Ketidakmampunan government in preparing for the border surveillance system and the support facilities and then producing border area development concept as a backyard bounded by high walls unlawful to traverse. However, the government sweeten condition backyard with veranda term State, a term that still make the border villages do not have access to his own home economy, Homeland.
How reconstruction paradigm suitable development model for rural areas so that in the next decade its economy can thrive? Local governments should use the model of Austria-Switzerland (U.S.) as an example of the pattern of development. Malinau regency, West Kutai, Mahakam Ulu, Joyless Kingdom meyer (CK) and Puttusibau (West Kalimantan) have similar geographical conditions with countries such as Austria and Switzerland, where the area is located in the center of the continent / mainland are not in direct contact with the sea and dikelilingan by other countries.
Austria country with an area of 83 858 km2 (almost 42 260 km2 area of Malinau West Kutai plus 31,628 km2) on the western border with Switzerland, Germany in the north, Hungary to the east, and Italy in the South. Sandwiched by other countries but the country became the world's meyer richest countries to 12 with per capita income of 420 million dollars per year (Kaltim 100 million dollars per year, two Indonesian time), or earnings per month every Austrian citizen for 35 million dollars. Austria made a road network like spider web in all directions to all the neighboring countries, with only Austria could maintain such access and improve perkonomiannya. Malinau him, let Mahulu Kubar and create a masterplan development by opening access many roads including to Malaysia without hesitation and fear. By positioning the city / county as a trading terminal crossing from the north to south / east to west and vice versa / vice versa then the border / interior can thrive like silk lines in the past.
In terms of energy sources, 62% use of renewable energy sources such as hydropower, wind, solar and biomass and the dominant use of hydropower resources. Governments and parliaments border districts need to work on a state visit Austria and Switzerland as a model masterplan.
While broadly equivalent Malinau Switzerland with the 41 290 km2 surrounded by countries France, meyer Germany, Italy and Austria. Switzerland became the world's richest countries to 9 with per capita income of 450 million per year. The state economy is over 34% exports chemicals, machine / electric 20.9%, at 17% as well as relying on the banking and tourist aspects. Hydropower being the largest meyer source of energy that is 56%, the local government needs to be taken more seriously preparing for energy meyer sources such as hydropower as Switzerland so the power crisis can be handled completely interminable next few years. meyer
As a bonus, the conception of which needs to be established meyer by the executive or legislative district borders must establish independence for the region without much advance and pleading relies on provincial and central government. Independent mental capital will hone innovation and creativity in preparing the masterplan and supporting spatial acceleration of the recon

Monday, November 18, 2013

However, future SMART NGOs in addition to providing assistance sacrificial animals, also plans to e

LINIBERITA - A total of goats and one cow given by the NGO SMART (Soul Modifier Art) to villagers Cipanjalu, which is a remote mountainous area, precisely in an area in Bandung regency.
SMART team has long contributed to local Cipanjalu. Provide literacy support teachers of the Qur'an to the children guess outlet in the rural villages, due to lack of teachers. Provide a home study, a fairy tale book and other books useful and engaging actively organizing outbound for the children in the area.
The existence of NGOs SMART least help reduce the mourning Cipanjalu the most disadvantaged, including the purchase of sacrificial animals. One cow and one goat is enough to make people smile Cipanjalu Eid al-Adha at this time.
Compared with urban areas or other areas with a number of sacrificial animals are pretty much, of the region is absolutely no sacrifice of its citizens are able to cause social jealousy. SMART fortunate where NGOs provide a glimmer of hope for the people Cipanjalu.
However, future SMART NGOs in addition to providing assistance sacrificial animals, also plans to educate guess outlet villagers guided to become independent, try enabling residents in the village surrogate buy sacrificial animals themselves. guess outlet In order to not always depend on the NGOs that form them. Moreover, the year actually Cipanjalu guess outlet villagers have been able to buy sacrificial animals themselves.
Recent Posts List of Indonesia's West Java Bugged Australia KPID Award, From Time to Time Ikan Bakar Warung Matus Israel guess outlet Secretly Pakistan Men Hold For Three Years Tips for Safe Driving in the City of heaviest guess outlet traffic Smart Shopping Libya Announces Emergency Occupy Islamic School in France Best Rating Oki Setiana Goddess Married? Mi Chicken Meatballs Winton Tutug Oncom Typical Tasik
Jabar KPID Award, From Time to Time
LINiBERITA - Friday night (15/11), guess outlet the Indonesian Broadcasting Commission of West Java held KPID Jabar Award, held at Hotel Horison Bandung. Jabar KPID Award organized with the aim of encouraging the broadcasting industry guess outlet ...
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Sunday, November 17, 2013

Departure from that condition, Yayasan Al-Amin Siru West Manggarai try to facilitate the distributi

Departure from that condition, Yayasan Al-Amin Siru West Manggarai try to facilitate the distribution of animals Quran Pequrban to areas prone Aqeedah Flores corningware in East Nusa Tenggara region .... Link:
Come Sacrifice a Rural Flores! Islam is the latest news post you are reading. Come Sacrifice a Rural Flores! This is a quote / news snippets obtained through feeds from websites address. Please click "read more" above to visit the concerned website for more complete reading news off a Rural Flores Sacrifice!

The assessment was based on the 2009 election incident happened last bubble alleged vote fraud news

Prone District Five Election Fraud | People Bengkulu
BENGKULU - Of the 10 districts / cities in Bengkulu province, there are six counties are considered vulnerable to fraud election results. Chairman pantaloons of the Provincial Election Supervisory Body, Parsadaan Harahap, SP M.Si said five districts namely Mukomuko, North Bengkulu (BU), Lebong, Seluma pantaloons and Kaur.
The assessment was based on the 2009 election incident happened last bubble alleged vote fraud news and events C1. Parsa is said, to anticipate fraud, Election Supervisory Body will request that supervision at each polling station should be propagated. If all this is only 1 person, pantaloons for the upcoming 2014 election could be increased to 3-5 in the TPS superintendent. Especially in areas that are far from the center of the district capital.
"There pantaloons is now a remote zone does need close supervision. As in the district of BU, it is in Enggano, as well as in other areas. Then for Lebong, strict supervision needs to be done in the area of border-Lebong-BU. While in Kaur was the largest. Because their villages far and there in corners. Similarly, in Mukomuko, in rural areas there are also far reach. Well the odds are usually exploited pantaloons by unscrupulous candidates pantaloons to cheat through the relevant parties, "beber Parsa to RB, yesterday pantaloons (7/11).
Separately, a spokesman for the Provincial Election Commission, Zainan pantaloons Sagiman, SH accompanied by Commissioner Lewis Eko Provincial Election Commission, confirmed SP.M.Si remote area it would be a priority of the Provincial Election Commission monitoring the election results later. Limitation of time for news events throughout the region C1, at 18:00 pm, and was delivered to the Regency / City.
"Starting from the logistical preparations will be special attention. Neither the delivery of logistics or monitoring voting results later. To the remote areas that are prone zone was already mapped out, "said Eko. (Che)
Grandfather Found Dead in Room 07:52:35 PM November 17, 2013 from Reply Retweet Favorite SK Board of Trustees, Personal or Occupation? 07:38:03 pantaloons PM November 17, 2013 from Reply Retweet Favorite pantaloons Waterfall Waterfall Nine 07:09:19 PM November 17, 2013 from Favorite Retweet Reply Will Suspended, pantaloons Foundation Board Sekundang Against 01:54:39 PM November 17, 2013 from Reply Retweet Favorite Vice President Could Dragged 8240VsSoQb 01:47:17 PM November 17, 2013 from Reply Retweet Favorite
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Tau ndak? maternal mortality rate in Indonesia is still relatively high. Had read of Woman Research

Tau ndak? maternal mortality rate in Indonesia is still relatively high. Had read of Woman Research Institute that the maternal mortality rate is currently at about 307 per 100,000 live births. grocery stores In Indonesia, there are 13 provinces that gave birth to the high maternal mortality rate. Among the thirteen provinces is Papua and East Nusa Tenggara. Though the Millennium Development Goals (MDGs) to reduce mortality to 102 per 100,000 live births.
Might, for in the big cities are not so many obstacles if it is to perform health checks. What about small towns that have a lot of infrastructure constraints? This is a big question for many people. Infrastructure constraints one of the major obstacles that need to be solved, so that mortality can be reduced.
"The limited distance transportation and the environment one of the main obstacles to overcome health problems, we need a health check tool that can be taken anywhere. The shape is simple, minimalist and easy to carry anywhere, so as any area within easy reach ".
Call it Healthy Mobile Scan, this tool can help a number of hospitals in the area that has limited medical equipment, to conduct medical examinations for pregnancy and pregnant mothers. By introducing grocery stores a transporter portable body, the tool is able to help detect the disease in early or examinations of pregnant women. If the examination is usually the heart, an organ in the body and pregnancy performed in hospitals by using a special room price is super expensive, so by using the tool will no longer exist and the price would be affordable.
How does it look? If the Mobile Scan * Healthy described can be made as handheld grocery stores devices like mobile / portable or easily moved, even to carry anywhere. Because it uses batteries that can be charged when depleted, operation is easy. What the hell can not in a technological, radiological monitoring results in the body can be moved in a portable screen that has been linked with a scanner tool. The tool can be directed grocery stores directly grocery stores to the surface of the abdominal organs or pregnant women.
The next examination will be immediately visible on the screen, and can be recorded in the handheld device. Jikalah these tools can be applied in Indonesia, it will be a new tool for doctors and paramedics in Indonesia, especially to visit his patients. Like doctors in remote areas far from hospitals and power is difficult or can be used by a private physician.
Innovation is nothing to improve health care quality, reduce costs and expand people's access to health services. Healthy Mobile function is almost the same as large as the ultrasound grocery stores used in hospitals, clinics or private practice place.
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My Tweets @ LewatMana update Tomang toll-dong kb.jeruk-Tangerang. Thanks yaSilahkan 1 week ago thanks @ Philips_ID inovasiku elected second week. TECHNOLOGY FOR PREGNANCY Please CEK 2 weeks ago @ Nutrisi_Bangsa anchovy field, grocery stores here's fried, delicious incredible. Please efeklapar # 2 weeks ago @ LewatMana information senen-dong village melayuSilahkan 2 weeks ago @ TMCPoldaMetro information simatupang TB-dong TOL Bintaro. TrimsSilahkan 1 month ago @ RadioElshinta information TB.simatupang-dong TOL Bintaro.Silahkan 1 month ago @ NTMCLantasPolri settings inarticulate. Shingga pasming path-pancoran trsndat exhausted. grocery stores Because Mark set up in the middle jalanSilahkan 1 month ago @ NTMCLantasPolri mhn the info there is a person who set the government at JLR Traffic pasming / sbrang htl Fiduciary, eventually Traffic pancoran-pasming rayapSilahkan 1 month ago @ LewatMana pancoran-solid Pasarminggu Follow merayap.Silahkan 1 month ago @ sihar_deanova please backed yes
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Saturday, November 16, 2013

The services of a teacher was much needed there. There needs to be awareness of the youth of the na

It is ironic if we look at the education of Indonesian children in remote areas far away from the city and also from the advanced technology. I've seen television gosport shows about education in West Sulawesi (precisely in the interior).
What a pity the education gosport of children living in deprived areas of the facility. For a classroom course very inadequate. This shows lack of government attention to education in remote areas.
The children who reside there should also get the same rights as other children who live in urban areas. They also need a variety of facilities that support the learning process so that learning objectives can be achieved optimally.
In the midst of the limitations and lack of facilities, I was very impressed gosport by the enthusiasm of the students there. They are willing gosport to walk across the river just to study. It's remarkable spirit!
The services of a teacher was much needed there. There needs to be awareness of the youth of the nation to be willing to help teach children in remote areas to print generation gosport potential and achievement.
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Friday, November 15, 2013

between national news General for Political and Security Law Health Education Immunization Info Par

between national news General for Political and Security Law Health Education Immunization Info Parliament Unique Voice International naker Asiaoseania America Europe Middle East Africa Monetary Macroeconomics Business Stock Trading Industry Update Info Tax Info Market Focus Sports Football Badminton Tennis Basketball Boxing Racing General Entertainment Music Celebrity Cinema Arts Lifestyle Computer Science Technology Gadget News Earth Global Warming Pollution Flora Fauna Article Comments Opinion Book Go Green Vision General Automotive Prototype Accessories Sundries AP Photo Auto Finance Law TV Sports Feature Political Economy Cultural Art Travel Technology Megapolitan Earth News International
"Law enforcement" taxes should be preventive! Let's continue tmart Struggle 10 November 1945 from the law enforcement officials that a young Proudly tax, income tax and pay the police go into another tax refund possible deviations
Tracing the hinterland of West Kalimantan, will be presented scenery delights the eye fatigue that can eliminate the whack along the way. Of the air line, West Kalimantan can be achieved tmart through cost Supadio towards Pontianak airport. From Pontianak city, proceed to the city Sintang, on asphalt roads, river crossing tmart followed by Ambawang towards Tayan. Two years ago the road, the road is still a road in Tayan clay-filled puddles everywhere, and if the rainy season should be extra careful driving the vehicle. Currently, the condition of the road is much better, so a trip to Pontianak Sintang can be reached within eight hours by road. Sintang city synonymous with Tenebrous Hill, the hill of the stone is very large, and some even say it is the largest in the world. Sintang city is a meeting place of two great rivers in West Kalimantan, namely Melawi river and Kapuas River. This is what makes Sintang as one of the economic centers in West Kalimantan. Sintang grow as one of the economic centers in West Kalimantan, supported by the construction tmart of infrastructure such as roads, bridges, and public facilities such as hospitals and schools. The wheels of development tmart is highly dependent on the state tax collected and channeled through tmart the Regional Fund Balance. As one of the economic centers tmart in West Kalimantan, tmart there Sintang tmart Tax Office (KPP) Primary Sintang serving three districts, namely Melawi, Kapuas Hulu and Sintang. tmart Because it is in the middle between Melawi and Kapuas Hulu, Sintang has borders with Malaysia through Kapuas Hulu and the border with the Central Kalimantan through Melawi. Journey towards areas Melawi and Kapuas Hulu is not as smooth as the worst path in Java though. Four-wheeled vehicles are synonymous with double axle luxury cars in Java, is a vehicle that is very common. Even public transportation is just carrying some merchandise from the market also use this kind of vehicle. Clay mud roads, broken bike chain incident, and the truck rolled palm is a view that is commonly encountered. So can imagine the condition of the terrain that must be traversed to move every day is very heavy. There is a possibility, people should use the boat for hours to reach a specific location in Melawi and Kapuas Hulu. Many people who complain about regional development, as well as questioning where the tax money paid by the public. Prices of basic commodities are very high and fuel prices that seemed without public subsidies pose challenges in everyday life. Are often complaints by the people how abundant natural potential is not offset by improvements and the development of appropriate infrastructure. Currently, there are many people who think that the Directorate-General (DG) Tax is the institution responsible for the allocation of tax revenue distribution tmart results. An erroneous tmart view, considering only the Tax Directorate in charge of collecting taxes while the allocation of the distribution is done through the preparation of the State Budget tmart (Budget). In this case, the proposed budget is the product of the ministry / institution must be approved by the House of Representatives before it was passed into law. Obviously, since it involves the House, the public can provide oversight in the distribution of tax money through a representative in Senayan. This is what needs to be a concern, because if the people complaining about the gap in the distribution of tax money, then they can complain to the people's representatives in Parliament. In fact, when viewed tmart from the authority, the Directorate General of Taxation is only authorized to collect the tax center, in the form of Income tmart Tax (VAT), Value Added Tax (VAT

Thursday, November 14, 2013

Second, do not respect the customs that exist in the village. If you do this, just get ready for th

Been to an error when a Rural - Have fun with Anggun
For some people, visiting rural villages is a very interesting thing. They can add to the experience and knowledge because sherway gardens usually, rural residents have the unique customs and life.
How about you? Are you interested in vacationing in a remote village? If so and you are on vacation in Lombok, Lombok traditional villages can be objective. While staying at hotels in Lombok your choice, time to yourself to stop by the village. It's just remember, do not do the following error during a visit to a traditional village or rural. sherway gardens
Firstly, you are being arrogant by population. Villagers uphold friendliness and familiarity. Do not take the indifferent attitude you usually apply in the village to the city you are visiting. On the other hand, residents of rural areas are very sensitive. You might be hated and reviled if you act arrogant.
Second, do not respect the customs that exist in the village. If you do this, just get ready for the knife locals stop by your body. In essence, be a very friendly and appreciative. Act as if you love people and are interested in all the customs that exist there.
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TRIBUNJOGJA.COM, hhgreg JAKARTA - House Deputy Speaker Taufik Kurniawan hhgreg said he was surprise

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TRIBUN / DANY PERMANA Constitutional Court chairman Akil Mochtar Corruption Eradication Commission arrested after undergoing examination hhgreg at the KPK building, Jakarta, hhgreg Thursday (10/03/2013). Akil established the Commission as a suspect, allegedly involved in a bribery handling election disputes Gunung Mas Central Kalimantan.
TRIBUNJOGJA.COM, hhgreg JAKARTA - House Deputy Speaker Taufik Kurniawan hhgreg said he was surprised during a visit to the village of Gumelem Wetan, District Susukan, Banjarnegara regency, Central Java. When the villagers ask critical questions about the bribery case involving the Chairman of the Constitutional Court (MK) Akil Mochtar.
Not only that, in the series, Taufik was still communicating about the four pillars of the state to the public. According to him, the idea is echoed by Taufiq Kiemas hhgreg could strengthen this nation, if it is really lived and done well. (*)
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