Monday, June 30, 2014

During the weeks that have passed, David Carson stenhrt worked with the students to find their own

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During the weeks that have passed, David Carson stenhrt worked with the students to find their own character within the mold, and not follow others. What do form guru sjlv the Swedish students' performance? Has been approved for the?
David Carson's mixup keyword during his week-long workshop at Forsgergs school mixup is communication. The interaction between people and to have space and be seen also in design. Therefore, he gave the students three tasks during the week which is about listening to yourself and try to put it through the form. In the task "Who am I" got the students introduce themselves by writing their name in black text on a white sheet. Then they put his name on the wall. - I want to show that we communicate all the time, says David Carson. - Puts their name high up on the wall? Or low? Writes the big or small? There is always a scope for interpreting all forms, including a name on a paper. Everything is an expression. Nothing is right or wrong, but everyone has their own language. It is this which is the basis of their own form. The data "Where am I in the next ten years", "Poster for my own lecture" mixup and "Cover for my own book" has also been included in this week's workshop. The result is very different works, in variegated range of colors as well as black and white posters. - Everyone has really worked hard to find its own expression, and I think they succeeded, says David Carson. - The goal was that they would look inward and look within themselves. "Can always be personal" To be personal, unique, something that Carson likes to talk about. But it is thus easy? He has made the mold for Nike commercials and Microsoft, to name two strong brands that he has made campaigns. Is not it hard to find space for a personal form when the client mixup already has a clear idea and a strong design? - There are always going to be personal, it may be only small details, but this is precisely where the challenge lies. Making a form for someone else's idea does who wholly owning a computer and have the knowledge of various computer programs. Then no need for a designer. It is the designer's own unique shape, which is interesting. Otherwise there is the risk that the designers are invisible, in their own works. What do you want to teach students? - Yes, it's just communication. I have always been interested in the social interaction between people. We communicate all the time in different ways and that designers also with mold. What do you say? Yelling? Whisper? What should the viewer interpret? That is, I want students to respond. Is there a Scandinavian design language? - I do not know if there's a particularly Scandinavian design really. Or a special mentality either, for that matter. Maybe it's a myth? I do not understand mixup this really. When I came here I was told that the students in the class were quite shy. But students are not at all shy! And they design

Sunday, June 29, 2014

When reason and emotion go together. Superb poem need not provide new insights, but it must involve

The subtitle Anne Carson jbhifi chose for his book Plain Water from 1995 reads "Essays and poetry" - a categorization that says both too much and too little. A unhappiness jbhifi at labels are hardly unique jbhifi to this Canadian author, who says yes to change, jbhifi to the movement.
Carson is the great innovator, while she is the great preserver: she combines ideals of romanticism, jbhifi from classical Greek, from modernism, and makes his own brew of disparate ingredients. It is not wrong to call her a poet. Even if you call her literary scholars. Or oracle.
Or essayist. The texts in this book moves between genres. For there are texts that refuse to stop himself. No living writer does the unexpected things that Carson. Here, the amazement an aesthetic criterion. It is written jbhifi in the surprise poetik. She writes in a completely friendly area, invents an entirely own space, its very own niche.
Must be good literature challenge, pushing the boundaries of what is possible? Well, so simple, it should not be, even if there are revilers, claiming that nothing is easier than writing difficult literature. That is to say, write something that will impress the easily amused critics who just like tricky name is ...
Then I would say that what makes the difference is the substance. Anne Carson knows what she is talking about, that here there is an anchor in genuine knowledge, which allows her to be playful and whimsical and constantly funny without resorting to FRIVOLOUS units. She is smart: but she does not use upper hand to make you feel stupid. Nor may he make you feel smart - the easy trick. No, because she understands that you do not read to learn things - at least not in the first place. You read because you want to experience the sublime amazement. To avoid routine.
Plain Water was published in 1995, and consists partly of a translation of a few short fragments of the forngrekiske poet Mimnermos, and an essay in which Carson discusses Thitonos, who was abducted and received eternal life - unfortunately not eternal youth, something which angered the goddess who falls in love with him . Ten years later discovered the new poem by Sappho, the one that makes her 58th fragments something more complete. Here is the Carson's translation of The New York Review of Books from October 20, 2005: "You, jbhifi children, pray zealous for the beautiful gifts of the Muses violetlapped
Carson jbhifi thinks himself more about the fragment, the version jbhifi she translated three years before the find: Thus, before deer calves (fawns) were given a context.
But in essence, it is the water that is Carson elements in this book, the water poet goes on, according to Pia Tafdrups poetics, and the water poet writes on, according to John Keats's desire. True, this is not poetry (and essays) to feel at ease with. However, there are related, where the various scattered parts are held together. The water Mimneros swimming in when his ancient fragments into English is the same water that poem self brother swimming and not swimming in when the book ends with related family stories, where life and literature are converging in a way that you hardly thought possible.
And it is the diversity that provides the big picture, the differences that creates kinship. That's jbhifi autobiography, yes, about a father who is about to go crazy, and so something else. The whole time something else, for it is after all a diktjags experiences, a diktjag who is or is not Anne Carson. It is touchingly portrayed, and therefore it is true. It is poetry, essay, literary criticism, the anecdote. And it elevated. The ambitious: on the same page, you can find Dickinson, jbhifi Dostoevsky and Hölderlin, as if she asks if it's too much, "well, then I might as well take in a little more."
To say the essay is to say a new way of writing the essay, just as it is a new way to write poems. The only incomprehensible poetry is that no more reads poetry, when it gives us lines like this, from the last part "The Antrophology of Water": jbhifi "It is alreadycreated late When You wake up inside a question.", A formulation is not going to resist: it wakes you up, lie down flat in question. Because that's what happens when you widen the tank.
When reason and emotion go together. Superb poem need not provide new insights, but it must involve a physical experience: there is something beyond the cerebral. Carson's book of poetry (essäbok) was published in 1995, the same year as David Fincher's film Seven. That which we call timeless is often difficult to define. Just as there is not an iota of Carson poems that are obsolete or time selected is Fincher's movie is still relevant. Tjocktv monitors, old computers, old cars and LPs passes but I react - until I see police Mills (Brad Pitt) run away an ashtray standing in a public corridor.
It is intimate and therapeutic. Love poems. Philosophy Poems,

Saturday, June 28, 2014

The title is a term borrowed from religious philosopher Simone Weil, where it is about freeing the

What is difficult literature? I myself have a hard time reading detective novels, thrillers, agent books: it's so damn many threads to keep track of, so very many strange events that left unexplained, so very many complicated situations that occur. Additionally bothering myself to detail. There is always someone handy buddy who can be called on page 248 if a problem should be fixed, a pal who had never previously been mentioned tk max in the book.
During Christmas, I saw on TV a detective story, with Lassgård tk max as police psychologist Bergman. A super psychologist who police gladly hired because he solved all the cases, and it only took about 90 minutes. Not believable! Also, he would in reality tk max be laughed at, as a total incompetent blunt slob, destroy more than helps and ask stupid tk max questions all the time.
Given the open letter during the holiday season tk max was written by the pseudonym "Michael Mortimer" (the authors Jerker Virdborg and Daniel Sjölin) is probably tk max Anne Carson at risk of being called one of those "difficult" author who writes books about language, that does not propagate " the adventure. "
But there is no more adventurous writer than Carson. In place of the pre-specified elements surprise - the good caregiver proves tk max rogue! - Is she constantly writing in the extent of the service. Her Decreation 2005 is such an indefinable book: it is presented as "poetry, tk max essays and opera", but also contains a revolving oratorio and a ekfras, a screenplay about Abélard and Héloïse, a documentary, dialogues - but mostly poems and essays.
The title is a term borrowed from religious philosopher Simone Weil, where it is about freeing the creature within us, liberate the self. Operalibrettot based on three stories: that of Weil, one of the Greek goddess Aphrodite and the god Hephaestus, and one of the mystic Marguerite Porete, who burned tk max to death 1310th essay that precedes the libretto also touches Sapfos fate.
If that does not sound pretentious enough, I can reassure that she gladly refers to Beckett, Sappho, Gertrude Stein, tk max Linnaeus, and Kant. In the poems: for in the essays, she takes in even more, and these deal with phenomena such as solar eclipse, sleep and the sublime. However, it is not referring to showcase a lesson, but Carson writes on the fast tank mission, where associations do not allow any rest.
Nor any predetermined breathing pauses. Her similes and imagery is hilarious, unpredictable uncomfortable and in some sense furious - a furious work with - yes, the language, and the language, the language in focus all the time, and it's actually exciting and adventurous. And she is said to be the first to be seen the relationship between Beckett's Quad-plays and Elvis Presley, or suggest Simone Weil heard things tk max like this:
The essay on sleep is so wishy-washy where personal and hype sharp intellectual co. She writes tk max about Homer-sleep in all Odyssey - Telemachus is mostly tk max sleepless - and about Keats and Plato and Tom Stoppard, and this is precisely about Virginia tk max Woolf: "Between the realms of sleep and waking, life and death, Virginia Woolf throws open a Possibility of dispossession, and then leaves it standing ajar, as if she isn'ta sure Which side she wants to be on. "There is much to say about it somnambula feature of Woolf's prose.
The essay on the sublime, if Longinus work is winding. Carson belongs to the the sharpest readers that I have come across, even if I get a little hesitant over her displeasure of Longinus gives no satisfactory definition of the sublime in his work if the sublime. Each one must still find their own definition of the concept, create your own attitude: it is the same with the word "irony" and "swag" - completely useless to wait for others to explain, for they are always wrong. You have to experience the sublime, experience it.
And it is understood Carson aware of. She makes an unexpected connection to the documentary (later in the book follows her own documentary on Longinus, it's called "Longing"), find new analogies, seeing that this is another way to deal with facts, finding a new kind of truth. Including that it was Longinus who preserved (parts of) Sapfos most famous poem to posterity, by generously tk max quoting the commonly called "# 31".
The sublime is about greatness: "Its bigness is always threatening to go out of control, to submerge and vanquish the soul That seeks to enjoy it. Threat Provides the Sublime tk max with its essential structure, an alternation of danger and salvation, Which other aesthetic experiences (eg, beauty) do not seem to share. "To voluntarily seek out danger, but also that there risk losing themselves totally, lose yourself in something larger than oneself - a force that can threaten and make proposals of their threats. tk max Ignoring the danger: that

Friday, June 27, 2014 and newspaper Metro Fashion is Metro

Petra Tungården Nellie Berntsson Caroline Sandström Martin Hansson Dani Karlsson My Blomquist Lowe Olsen Sarah Grundén Mogi by Malin Richardson Flora Wiström Fanny Staaf Fanny Ekstrand Felicia Frithiof Sanne Alexandra Josefine Forsberg Fashion
Petra Tungården Nellie Berntsson Caroline Sandström Martin Hansson Dani Karlsson My Blomquist Lowe Olsen Sarah Grundén Mogi by Malin Richardson Flora Wiström Fanny Staaf Fanny Ekstrand Felicia Frithiof Sanne Alexandra Josefine Forsberg ko
The evening was fantastic, there were treated to some fine drinks, lot of laughter and dancing. Today, Jennie, Carson and I spent the day in my bed, and out on adventure. At four o'clock so we decided to celebrate Carson's birthday weekend further, opened a bottle of prosecco and toasted while we were lying and puree in bed!
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Essence of love summed up this classy, of Tolstoy

It can be predicted when you read a book by Anne Carson is that there will be a different experience. Men in the Off Hours was published in 2000, and is as quirky as her other books, as well as being written from a consistent line. Although this cross-pollinate antiquity with modernity, boxing day as when Thucydides coach Virginia Woolf in the writing of history, in dialogue form, after an introductory essay about both authors.
Carson is as hard rooted in both traditions, and often use their Greek knowledge to point out things that have been with the present to do. She has found a channel right into antiquity, which allows her to give us a unique sense of presence. She drops do not remove their own style, even in a book like this that make themselves so dependent on other people's voices. Some of the texts are compressed mini-biographies of famous literary fixed stars, which Akhmatova, Tolstoy, Artaud, Catullus. And Sapfo -
The method of weaving together different traditions is something Carson has in common with, among others, Woolf, and Carson writes in dialogue with the writers she happens to take up - like Emily Dickinson. How to write sense of Dickinson? Like this: crosswise, by moving effortlessly between fantasies and bound truths, until the concepts of change place and no longer are some opposites. It is the unexpected infallets way of writing: boxing day in nycken are key to Carson's quirky style. Her attitude is reminiscent of how Borges relates to books: a kind of unruly and warped homage, which did not really behave as you expect.
The whole time she suggests an "other hand": that even though she presents an event, there is always an alternative course of events, another way that it can be perceived. She writes ekfraser to Edward Hopper's paintings, and accompanying them with quotes from Augustine's Confessions. Quotes about time, because that's what Hopper's paintings convey, when Carson sees them. The pluralistic times, where the different times becomes contemporary.
Fogningarna boxing day done both violent and soft, much like John Donnes daring imagery (one of the poems is also about Donne), where sharp similes joined. Although parts of the book are woven together, as well as elements from other books of Carson, as if all her writing is a work in progress as she goes in and out as she pleases. When she writes boxing day about Artaud is also about violence, madness is empty - no creative furrow. There's nothing for the artist to collect, says Carson.
Essence of love summed up this classy, of Tolstoy's wife: "If I could kill him then make another one exactly like him, / I would do it joyfully!" And the male and female is also what are subjected boxing day to harsh questioning, in how female sexuality ruled hard in antiquity, who gladly prepared her like an animal. In a discussion of how Aristotle's relationship to the Greek right-ideal sofrosyne: "Masculine Sophrosyne ice rational self-control and resistance to excess, but for the woman Sophrosyne means obedience and Consists in Submitting herself to the control of others."
Lightly communicates with Carson's predecessor, creates his gun in flight. She does it with a voice that is as authoritative as it is humble - strangely puzzled, demands full critical. She has a peculiar precision in expression, in ordvalets accuracy. More than a writer, she recalled the artist who processes a material that shapes his text body, and also make it sensual and playful. It is work with small pieces, a fragment aesthetics.
Therefore, among other things, she writes so extremely sensitive about Sappho, who in a staggering reading of the famous fragment 31 ("Suddenly, he stands out as one of the gods like" in Sven Bros. translation), which opens the poem once again. When she happens to point out that Sappho put on make up at five o'clock in the morning, reminds you suddenly her fragment 179, the single word: "Makeup boxing day Bag". In Anne Carson's Sappho a poor man, an actor. Being a woman, being a man, it is arbitrary boxing day and changeable conditions. For it is in the passage, the repeal boxing day of the limit, Carson comes to life as a poet. She also shows that the Greek word "eironia" ("eirôneia") translated to "dissumilatio" of the Roman rhetorician, a word meaning mask.
Carson uses many masks in this book, perhaps to live up to the ideals of Oscar Wilde: "Man is least himself When he talks in his own person. boxing day Give him a mask, and he will tell you the truth."
Allyson Allyson 2 Ann Ling Brandt and Johan Wilhelmsson, Annika Koldenius Bengt O. Mrs Z. Butterfield takes the word The blind argus The slow Follow Elin Boardy Elisabeth Norin Eva Ström Gunnar Strandberg Hermia Jenny Maria Nilsson Karin Stensdotter Kornkammer Minerva Words She Wrote Peter Englund Walk Lacemaker Stasimon stewe Claeson The Loser Therese Bohman Therese

Thursday, June 26, 2014

When the Italians attacked it went bad at once. So that the second and third wave could not get the

The sideshows: Carson's rough rocks | Unknown idiot
When the Italians attacked it went bad at once. So that the second and third wave could not get them on. This is because they have not got past the first wave which now constitute a mountain of dead and wounded. Italian solar species stacked and stumbled over their dead comrades, bodega aurrera slipped around in blood and mud but got nowhere. The entire time it rained. What could have happened was a massacre, what took place was therefore unexpected. An Austrian captain ordered the cease-fire, got up from his strength over the Italians and roared: "Italians go back, you are the brave men and we do not want to massacre you." Italians obeyed.
Italy's entry into the First World War was marked by the rapacity and lightheartedness. When Italy was agreed during the 1800s during the Kingdom Savoy had sadly not been with him Trieste instead was retained by Austria-Hungary. This was an injustice that Italian nationalists nourished in the coming decades. Instead of being happy about what you actually had (a nation) were instead outraged over what they had (Trieste). When World War I broke out, stood Italy cautious bodega aurrera about her ally Austria-Hungary and Germany actually was at war, it remained in place outside the whole, and bided his time.
All of Europe seemed to understand that Italians probably would attack his allies sooner or later. The Germans suggested for example that the Austrians would give Italy Trieste to quell an attack, and the British thought (as usual) to an Italian bodega aurrera entry in the conflict could lead to a War Decisive.
The Italians themselves were pretty confident that it would all go geschwint. They planned a cheer march through the Alps which would then lead to a triumphal march toward Vienna. Had they attacked earlier they had been able to exploit the fact that the Central Powers were hard pressed on the Eastern Front. But after the Germans got up from the wagon and launched the successful Gorlize-Tambowoffensiven could Austrians pull divisions from the east, while the Russians bodega aurrera retreated in full career. At his disposal were the Italians bodega aurrera a skilled officerkår and it was more or less it. The infantry was brave but poorly trained and certainly not ready for offensive warfare in as rugged as northern Italy. Artillery pieces had obviously far too few of and distributing the art equipment to the soldiers, there was of course no money to. The Italian plan to march through bodega aurrera the Alps had also not taken into account for one important detail. Namely Alps. These were seen as a temporary terrain obstacles and certainly not for what they were, ie. one of the best defensive positions in the world.
It is worth pausing bodega aurrera at this precise geographical aspect for understanding the subsequent war in Northern Italy. For that which the Italian army was expected to attack through came briskly to be the worst off-road conditions throughout the First World War. Taste it for a moment, dear reader. On the Western Front, the main problems that the infantry in seizures lacked protection other than the clothes they had on the body, that it was impossible to communicate backwards when the bout was running well while those who defended themselves very quickly was able to send in reinforcements to vulnerable positions. Finally, the old custom of inbankade thick-headed unit, knighted for wisdom, said that all attacks must be preceded by days, even weeks of artillery bombardment - something that took the edge off seizure element of surprise. All of this came even to apply for Alpfronten. But this was the only reasonable way attack was at Isonzofloden over Carson's rough rocks. It would come to attack upwards, against enemies bodega aurrera who looked down on the assailants. It would attack the rocks that created thousands stenspliter for each grenade that fell. It would submachine gunfire embark on mountaineering. It would rain so hard that it created the ski slopes of clay trying to fight battle after battle.
To describe the eleven Italian offensives on the Isonzo is almost redundant. The terrain here was crucial to success would be impossible. The Italian soldiers who attacked in 1915 were up regementsvis, with regimental orchestras smooth game spirit behind it. Then they marched against the Austrian positions in the mountains. In the steel rain of machine-gun fire and artillery bombardment that followed, the Italian music quickly disonant, cut himself and perfected. The vithandskade officers who led the infantry could not do much more than simply waving their swords, their urge to heroism, and then prostrate. bodega aurrera Stone Splitters ripped large holes in the ranks, the barbed wire was impossible to get through because there was no bolt cutters and the sappers who attacked during fluttering regimental banners were mowed down plutonsvis without bodega aurrera even reaching the enemy lines. Peter Englund described sometime the Polish cavalry attacks against the Swedish army at Warsaw

Rivers tend to bury themselves in the landscape they flow through. They create deep sinuous V-shape

Are you aware of the book "Silent Spring" (Silent Spring, 1962), which helped to give life to the environmental movement? Its author's name was Rachel Carson, bon marche a marine biologist who previously bon marche wrote, among other things the book "The Sea" (The Sea around us).
The book is serious popular science. Erstwhile p rofessorn in oceanography in Gothenburg, Hans Pettersson, wrote the foreword to the Swedish edition. Translation of scientific accuracy were verified by other prominent Swedish authorities.
The book still contains startling information which I have long waited to see commented. A mystery, worse than any religious one, is the North Atlantic river valleys. River Valleys in the Atlantic Ocean between Europe and America!
Rivers tend to bury themselves in the landscape they flow through. They create deep sinuous V-shaped valleys. bon marche One can see how the rivers in this way continues into the sea. They go out over the continental shelves. It is our grundhav, which is actually flooded beaches. They belong to the continents.
Roughly where the depth of the sea become modest bon marche 200 meters, reaches river Dalarna bon marche to the continental slope, where it begins to slope downwards to several kilometers deep. Ice Age placed the top 120-200 m of the ocean depths on land in the form of glaciers (the figures vary in reference books). It is thus no wonder that the river Dalarna continues out of basic marine seabeds.
The weird, yes it clean impossible is that they continue down the continental slopes down to two kilometers deep! Geologists say vaguely that river Dalarna in most cases appear to have occurred for less than a million years ago. A much smaller amount of water in the ocean during the ice age is unthinkable!
We find such a valley at the bottom of the Bay of Biscay. It starts from the mouth of the River Adour had until the 1400s. It is in the southwestern part of the European continental plate, whose northern part was heavily depressed by the huge masses of ice. Carson's second example is the Hudson River, which runs through New York.
Elsewhere in the world goes river Dalarna not so deep down, although it can occur over a half mile. It is only in the North Atlantic, we find the phenomenon. Where was the continental plates during the ice age burdened by enormous glacier masses.
As Carson wrote the book (1951), plate tectonics was not widely accepted. bon marche She therefore makes no other explanation than some researchers' attempts to talk about slammströmmar in the sea. If she could not seem to write anything. There's probably no way to explain this mud. She left the topic.
When I read it, plate tectonics had been inside. The book "The Sea" was then quite old and nobody had Carson's information current. Yes, I am. And I thought, that if we have a floating slab and charged to one end of the tens of millions of cubic kilometers of ice, what happens then?
Well, the continental plate wobbles! The wiggling both when glaciers are growing and when they shrink. But where the glaciers really so big and heavy? Ice weighs bon marche a third of granite. Three kilometers of ice to be compared to one kilometer granite. Including all of Canada was covered by ice. Only Canada is almost ten million square kilometers!
The information on the Ice Age glaciers varies. There is talk of up to three kilometers thick, but in Antarctica, the thickness is currently a maximum of about five and a half kilometers. The ice cover over North America was the largest. Arctic Ocean was even partially bon marche frozen ground and ice rose high into the sky over the sea surface. There are reasons to believe that ismängderna greatly underestimated.
How continued tilting? Occurred gradually, as a land elevation? bon marche Probably. But we can also imagine that the plates sat wedged into each other, until the tensions became too big and we got one or more vickningar, with earthquakes and devastating floods, when our current grundhav created.
According to Plato, were such disasters regularly bon marche recurring. A number of pressure of a few tens of meters at a time, with several hundred or a thousand years between. Civilization-tion would have occurred and annihilated again and again.
Of Atlantis is set to for around 11,500 years ago. It is a figure, which reasonably and roughly consistent with ice age final stage. But Plato's fantasies bon marche of a Bronze Age cul-ture resembles a dalmål ing: Pontius Pilate in Karl Johan Uniform. But Atlantis myth may be based on memory of something real that happened 9000 years (reckoned with large margins) bon marche before Plato.
If the distance to America was less, if then also there were a number of islands on the way, there is much that can be explained without Däniken visitors from space. Negroid stone statues in South America, myths similarities, gods name, etc.
The hot magma flows from the Earth's interior is assumed to move on the continental bon marche plates. They are hot when they come up from the depths, but should cool off, then the stresses developed in the plates. That should baffle sides affected. They melt at one end and made in the others. We then get a small vertical movement of the plates, when the emphasis shifted

Tuesday, June 24, 2014

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Friday, June 20, 2014

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Recent columns: The Bottom Line - Orchestra of corporate real estate market making, to neutralize the non-certainty bonds leasing companies: strong collateral protect against high leverage corporate bond Orchestra: on the ground or in the sky just need to know where to hide yields
Investor capital market is pleased in recent months: michaels hours falling stocks, bonds and therefore sputtering sound more and more voices calling apportion michaels hours portfolio also foreign securities. However, those who listened to those voices and spread its investments abroad revealed that this year gnawing gaps and strengthening of the shekel coin considerable michaels hours part of the profits (especially for those who invested in dollar-linked markets.) In any case, the current state of the domestic capital market is a good opportunity for us to show Once again overseas investment ideas.
Current column will focus on Ramco - Grsnson (NYSE: RPT), a REIT fund that invests in shopping centers in the United States. This fund was among the big losers of the credit crisis that began in late 2008. Crisis is reached with very high leverage levels, and therefore suffered from bad timing recycling debt. The share price crashed from over $ 20 to pre-crisis global $ 3 March 2009.
Gazit Globe at that time - by now - Equity michaels hours One daughter - acquired two million shares of RPT price $ 5 per share and became the largest shareholder in RPT. Equity One entry even two members of the Board and offered to buy the U.S. REIT. Gazit Globe pointed to the similarity between Equity One to RPT - both in activities and areas of operation - and argued that the merger will contribute to the shareholders of the RPT. In addition Gazit Globe noted that RPT's management failed and achieved yield - significantly lacking compared to other players in the market.
However RPT management - controlled by the Grsnson owns more than 40% of the share capital of the company before dilution - managed to thwart the move. Finally out of Gazit Globe photo and sold all shares purchased, this time at a price of 8.5 dollars per share.
Down the road came RPT issuing shares when issued 12 million ordinary shares in addition to the 21 million shares already in circulation. IPO share price was 8.5 dollars, and management announced a strategic plan that received a total of Directors. The core of the program included a process of reducing leverage by putting clear goals to be reported to shareholders. This was the situation about two years ago, and since then did the company moved aggressively reducing the leverage and the stock began trading at multiples more favorable for investors.
Symbolized more than the end of the deleveraging process RPT was the issue that occurred in early April this year after the company michaels hours was its targets for 2009. RPT issued convertible preferred michaels hours shares (similar to bonds in terms of liability payments) began trading the main market ten days ago (the symbol of the stock is Cusip: 751 452 608).
The oldest stock can be converted at any time at a ratio of 3.46 common shares per preferred share one. Given that the index will last is 12.3 dollars, this conversion premium of 16% -17%. Conversion of the share was not limited in time, but the company can force conversion if the stock price exceeds 130% of the conversion, which means if the ordinary share price exceeds U.S. $ 18.8 for 20 consecutive days - and all this just from -2018.
First quarter results michaels hours RPT discover that the FFO (cash flow from operations without the impact of single events - twice as profits from the sale of assets, excluding impact of periodic changes) amounted to 10.1 million or $ 0.25 per share. Besides, the company has provided annual forecast for 2011 stands at FFO of 0.9 to 1 per share.
RPT traded more or less around its fair value yield FFO (FFO parts market value) of 7.5% -8%, while the dividend distribution is approximately 65% -70% annual cash flow. The result is that 30% -35% of annual FFO (they are 0.3 to 0.35 dollars per share) of annual earnings remain in the company for future growth and thus are likely michaels hours to raise the value of the share by 2.5% to 3% per year.
Since there is no limit to the conversion period and conversion ratios, it seems that the scenario under which the share was in. "into the money" seems likely michaels hours therefore share was preferable to the direct holding the shares of RPT. If we consider the convenient michaels hours pricing, the current yield especially low premium convertible is easy to see that this is a solid investment interest. On one hand, given the high current yield, on the other hand, levels of risk and volatility are much lower than those obtained through direct holding stock. Besides, even long-term return is probably higher than the shares of convertible since the debut of its high dividend michaels hours yield of 2% per year compared with the dividend yield holders of ordinary shares. It is important to note that there is a debt-RPT only in the form of credit lines to banks, so that in effect the security level is very similar to the one in convertible bonds.
Writer - and it (NYSE: SVU) is an American retailer michaels hours has two main activities: discount store chain operating under the "Save A lot" michaels hours - considered the largest field in the U.S. (1,236 stores), and the average switching store chain was acquired in 2006 from Albertsons (more than 1,100 stores).
Writer reported last month - and it results in the fourth quarter of 2010, slightly raised expectations. But the sharp rise was mainly michaels hours due to the share profit forecast for 2011 stood at 1.2-1.4 dollars per share. It turns out that same store sales (which existed even in the same quarter in 2009) declined since the last quarter of 2009 by 5%. But the company argues that if computers sales by area, and if removed from the calculation shops were closed, so sales actually rose by 1.7%.
In terms of profits, the rate of Harrow

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We began our visit with a traditional fruit salad: We started the trip at Olympic national park as planned, after a rainy night. Even during the day long rain was gray and foggy and we had to remind ourselves that it is actually summer. Israeli terms this is the most rainy winter fashion house day. We visited Hurricane Ridge Huricanne Ridge and given name not surprised very very strong wind blowing there. The highest ridge, the road leading to it climbs about 40 minutes and really alpine scenery. We walked to near the summit, some snow! We remind you now July 29th! We walked among the alpine lawns, many wildflowers, tall trees, clouds and some deer. When we returned to our Lautobeit and prepared lunch we discovered that we were pretty lucky. Cooking food at the mountain was covered with clouds and fog and those who came after us did not enjoy that view. We drove on to direct the northern coast before we stopped at the supermarket chain Albertsons in Port Angeles. Unlike Wal-Mart fashion house supermarket is concerning fashion house is mainly food and all things necessary for everyday and everything outright. Aya's recommendation (again proved you can rely on) we did a club card ("have a club card?") And we bought what we wanted. As stated on our way to the north coast and indeed we got there and found a place on the hill right in front of the ocean combustion Sekiu. The rains, we managed to squeeze a short stroll on the beach and go back through the muddy dirt roads in our Lautobeit. On a clear day one can see a map for Canada. Hope tomorrow will be a bright day.
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Wednesday, June 18, 2014

In terms of investing in bonds: Although norte shopping there is a risk, the trend of lowering debt

Justice | Capitalism norte shopping 3.0 | Cars | Opinions | Careers | Tourism | Subscriptions | RSS Environment in Israel | to all the RSS
Recent columns: The Bottom Line - Orchestra of corporate real estate market making, to neutralize the non-certainty bonds leasing companies: norte shopping strong collateral protect against high leverage corporate norte shopping bond Orchestra: on the ground norte shopping or in the sky just need to know where to hide yields
Catch a ride on the American Cart
I asked a lot recently about ideas for investing in shares. The fact that the market is hot and alongside the recommendation of investment houses to increase the share component of the portfolio are doing the work and push the public to increase the exposure channel. The basic answer I give is to operate through funds or indices. I believe that at the beginning of the rising trend in the market, norte shopping and even killed, there is a relatively low importance to select specific stocks. The main thing at this point is the timing of the acquisition and the choice of direction. Only the top-end, when the market is already fully pricing should start thinking creatively.
At such a great importance to select specific stocks, and unfortunately, it also signals that the market has reached record levels and is due for repair. A similar situation, I felt, was created recently in the bond market. Haunting returns, even at the cost of investing in bonds rated below or bonds that are not rated, signaling that prices had had enough and exercise approaches. norte shopping
Area captured in the most solid, but the actual price levels whereby shares are traded which indicates that he is in a serious crisis, is the area of food chains (supermarkets) in the United States. These networks were supposed to show resilience even in times of crisis or economic slowdown, this time unwilling seized.
The explanation for this is that in 2007 there were food chains in the process norte shopping of aggressive growth through leveraged buyouts and the establishment of networks Premium consumers. Crisis landed on the markets a year later took some of them with balance sheets loaded with very high leverage and bloated administrative staffs.
Harm the ability of American consumers to continue to consume at an exceptional rate, and discount chains transition required the networks to pass painful process of reducing costs and lowering leverage. And a situation norte shopping where the stock prices of many food chains are trading at historically low. Let us consider two examples. One. Safeway company's stock (NYSE: SWY)
Network share price moves in the $ 22, reflecting a company value of $ 8 billion. By Safeway and consensus forecasts analysts speak of the annual profit EPS of 1.5 dollars, there's a catch. However, the interesting story lurking here lies the major capital investments made by the Company, and its strong capital structure (rated BBB) that allows a significant portion of the cash flow from operations to become free.
The company norte shopping generates about $ 2 billion in cash flow from operations, of which $ 900 million allocated for capital investment (opening new stores and remodeling existing). Thus, she remained free cash flow of about a billion dollars used for the distribution of dividends totaling 12 cents per share per quarter (reflecting norte shopping an annual yield of 2.2%) and used an aggressive buyback of shares.
In the past 12 months the company acquired own shares totaling $ 800 million, and last month the Board approved an additional norte shopping facility for purchase totaling billion. In addition, the company recently issued ten-year bonds, which divides the 3.95% coupon in order to refinance old bonds bearing a coupon of 6.5%. This move demonstrates how low interest rate environment in the United States favors norte shopping the strongest companies.
In the same breath should be noted that other competitors such as Kroger and Delhaize, are strong companies that can be relevant for the investor who wants to dissolve the bag. Also, investment in this sector do not expect a smooth ride. Two. Bonds company Supervalu (NYSE: SVU)
Albertsons acquisition was made towards the end of "The Age of Renaissance 'of the industry. The transaction was financed, as is customary in those days, using a lot of debt. Heavy debt load, plus injury time in the crisis, left the Company and its affiliates in relation to competitors norte shopping far behind when time began to take down the worst results in the sector (based on the same store) and losing market share to competitors.
In those days, when the company acquired the operations of Albertsons in more than $ 10 billion (including debt), was the share price of the first $ 30 and rose to $ 47, and now, after the disappointment with the results, fell to a low of $ 7.5 (a value of 1.6 billion only).
A few days ago released Supervalu third quarter report, who taught that the decline in profits continues: Same store sales decreased by 4.9%, gross profit decreased by 0.9% to 21.5%, operating income was cut from 3.3% to 2.2% (weaker towards Israel) and adjusted income fell to $ 50 million per quarter. annual forecast download over the range of 1:25 to 1:35 per share.
However, despite the ongoing norte shopping decline in operating results (and impact the bottom line deletions) Company's cash flow is not so bad. The company produces a cash flow from operations of $ 1.3 billion (on an annual basis), assigned to lower debt, capital expenditures norte shopping and dividends. Year to date the debt was reduced by approximately $ 700 million, and the forecast is to reach $ 850 million norte shopping this year.
The company has two Kovbntim under credit agreements: a debt coverage ratio not to exceed 4.25 (the ratio today is 3.5) and interest coverage ratio that will drop from 2.2 (now 2.6). That is, the company is better norte shopping in both conditions, and is expected to improve them with debt reduction.
In terms of investing in bonds: Although norte shopping there is a risk, the trend of lowering debt, strong cash flow and inhalation of Supervalu achieve investment grade in the coming years investment support (low volume) bonds of the company. May 2016 bond bearing a coupon of 8%, rated B + and traded at a yield ranging from 8.5% to 9.5

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Tuesday, June 17, 2014

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שונה לאחרונה ב 04:48, bennet 4 במרץ 2012. דף זה נצפה 32 פעמים. מדיניות הפרטיות אודות Wiki הבהרה משפטית

Monday, June 16, 2014

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Translation Ben 'Yahtzee' Croshaw - Mogworld - Part 2 - Chapter 6 Original taken from alexred_tmb in Translation Ben 'Yahtzee' Croshaw - Mogworld - Part 2 - Chapter 6
Mogworld - debut fantasy novel from the world of video games icons Ben "Yatzi" Crawshaw (Zero Punctuation), written in the tradition of Terry Pratcheta and Douglas Adams and is closely intertwined ulta locations with the world of video games - the protagonist, in fact is only a minor character in the MMORPG.
Seven plans later, I noticed that the sun had already set behind the horizon. Being dead and lacking in all these human needs, such as sleep, air and food, it is easy to lose track of time, falling into meditation - even more so when you have to be distracted because of the cold sea water fish and mischievous. Everything what I was able to guess, included the need to get into Loledu. And since the docks Skukoborya ships left, I have to get there by swimming. The need to make such a trip is not too inspired, besides the path of shark could take my body for the bait, but I did not have to choose. In Magic Resistance certainly know what to do. I lost Drildu, so solving the mystery of her condition slightly delayed, but now I have been caring and more important. There was no point wasting time. I sat down. And then he began to emerge. At first I thought that I had torn pockets, spilling holding me at the bottom of the shingle, then realized that the rock on which I sit, in fact, nothing ulta locations more than how sturdy treasure chest that someone snagged the top hook. Above his head was visible bottom of the boat, black squiggle on the moonlit ocean surface. I wanted to let go, but by the time I was able to understand that the hook and caught the edge of my gown, my head was already on the surface. In the dark I could not see the boat owners, however, they were not like adventurers, ulta locations well, at least those that have been running for Barry Skukobore. I had hoped for a better outcome, and pretended to be dead - the best applicant for this role was not found. - Che-she does not remember shtoby this guy was here when we lowered the chest - a gruff voice said with obvious the sailor says. - Have we nailed someone when attacked the town? I can not remember. I was drunk as a skunk, - replied slightly higher voice. - Hey, Slippery John knows this guy! - Got into a conversation very familiar voice. - What are you doing? Slippery John was wondering what happened to you. I continued to lie, his tongue hanging out. - He's dead, Slippery John, he is unlikely to respond - the first voice said. - No, no, no. He is not dead. Well, actually dead, yes, but he can move and speak. Look, look, it is clear that he is not really dead - he corners of his mouth twitch. I gave up. - Listen, - I said, muffled cry of horror escaped from two pirates. - Just Throw me back and forget about everything that happened. ulta locations Then all of our lives will be a little easier. - Slippery John hoped that slippery John again given the chance to work for you - Slippery John said. He looked exactly as before, but now in one eye he had a bandage, as his two buddies. - It's your suggestion ulta locations about the quest is still in force? - What's the offer? - Well, that quest where Slippery John accompanies you to Lolede-hail. Slippery John met with his Suicide Squad of connected and they were very interested. ulta locations - What the Suicide Squad? - Well, you know, these, Magic Resistance. Secret Service magicians, which is looking for a way to end the plague and restore Erasers death and entropy in the universe. - He silently looked ulta locations at me a couple of seconds. - Slippery ulta locations John wonder, was it worth it all this talk. - Wait a minute. - I vaguely pointed to the side of wafting Skukoborya cacophony of blasting operations. - You do not work for Barry? Of this time, two pirates on the sides of slippery John has returned to life from the shock of my sudden revival and full upright sedentary ulta locations growth, ulta locations staring at me through the hair in the nostrils. - Fatty Rats only work on Captain Scar - said to the left. My eyes had adjusted to the darkness and I could see that he was indeed a bold pirate with a sparse mustache like a rat.

Sunday, June 15, 2014

Luke Dyubanshe basically did not want to hold the festival in Paris. It was necessary that people h

French Lessons: Report from the Food Festival in Deauville OFF - The Village - The Village - stream "Kitchen" h and m uk
In April in Moscow will be held for the first time the French Food Festival Omnivore Food Festival. The Village has prepared a report on how the festival was held in Deauville this spring Anna Maslovskaya March 24, 2011 5 7750
From 19 to 24 April in Moscow will host French Omnivore Food Festival. At this time, several sites of the capital will give master classes ten renowned chefs, five of which are located in Moscow. Moscow's version of the festival organizer h and m uk Natalia Palacios specifically for The Village went to Deauville and learned how to last festival was held OFF.
Normandy, Deauville - famous resort of the French bourgeoisie, just two hours from Paris. Besides beauty spa town famous for its casinos and American Film Festival. About the casino can not be forgotten: this is the most prominent building in the city, about the festival is reminiscent of beach huts with names of American actors on the rails which are not tired photographed h and m uk tourists: h and m uk who next to the name Shirley MacLaine, and who with Marlon Brando.
Stretched along the sea in Deauville, especially its coastal h and m uk part, like this time of year the city-phantom: two-storey mansion in Norman style - the summer residence of the bourgeoisie h and m uk - a greater part of its thorough plugged in winter, some even put up for sale (out of season and the number of days off doviltsev h and m uk is 4000 people - not even the city and town - though in tourist rush can grow up to 50 000). Walking on the beach audience more of the hotels, which is dotted with local coastline. At a luncheon at the "Normandy" full feeling combined dining two boards: the wealthy elderly people and their children. Elegant men and women aged trapeznichayut accompanied also expensively dressed grandchildren, h and m uk some of them already in riding boots, so as not to miss the cordon. Among all this glossy public in ironed h and m uk white collar naked eye can calculate the guests on a gastronomic festival patrons. They are not included in the predominant age group of the hotel, are stretched jeans and sweaters, sometimes even prostetskie shirts and plaid shirts.
"Since the kitchen had its own festival, her imagination was richer" - slogan says Omnivore Food Festival (OFF). Six years ago, as opposed h and m uk to the conservatism of French gastronomy, little to admire herself, journalist Luke Dyubanshe decided to organize a festival of young and fresh creative cuisine, and sometimes interferes with their canons. The idea of the festival was to stir up respectable, generally recognized chefs, giving them an arena for self-expression with the young, little-known talents. Last have something to say Dyubanshe considered, but no money, and opportunities to do so. At the first festival of world-renowned chef Ferran Adria came up with no one familiar at that time very young Dane Rene Redzepi. A few years later moved Redzepi Ferrand, replacing it in the first place ranking in the famous British "50 best restaurants in the world."
Luke Dyubanshe basically did not want to hold the festival in Paris. It was necessary that people have made the effort, coming to some place far from civilization, where for two or three days would give gastronomic spectacle that is focused on life in the capital and other cares and worries. And so it happened. In any case, besides the sea promenade, this time of year in a half-empty Deauville nothing h and m uk else to do. Does that go to the casino. In this case no reference to the gastronomic festival in Deauville, no, but the first two were held at all OFF Festival in Le Havre, for the same reason: Le Havre - new city, built from scratch on the ruins of the Second World War.
OFF program h and m uk sufficiently saturated. The festival is divided into two areas: one assigned hour workshop chefs demonstrating "salt" the kitchen, the other - confectioners. Between them - grocery mini-exhibition, where you can taste wine or organic honey gingerbread, browse beautiful cookbook or analyze current trends in container, accidentally h and m uk collided with some well-known culinary figure. As in any other festival, the best pre-make your own plan and interesting performances nervously running between two sites. Or spit and fully enjoy some one show. In addition, some master classes people so much that the free seats in the hall for 800 people is not, and left the ring, and then have to sit on the stairs in the aisles.
The festival opened h and m uk Norman local chefs who easily experienced magician worked wonders with local products. Then a Chinese chef Andre Chiang from Singapore demonstrated its creative flavors at the junction of the French technician (after 17 years of work in the known

Here, I will give the first available quote: - What

Let's start with the fact that I chose this cover is not accidental. First of all, I love these things - it looks stylish. But the main thing here - postscript "For fans of The Hunger Games." Remember. Prior to that, we get later.
I love dystopia really like. Watch movies, "swallow" books per day. This topic is close to me and interesting. So when I learned about running - just decided to read it. But I did not expect tv shop ...
From the first page I realized that reading for me is not easy. Before reading "Perfume", rich in complex and heavy descriptions, slow plot and strange emotions, I thought that the typical teenage book will give me easy - but it was not there!
The book is written badly. I barely finished reading to the end. Genre, which under normal circumstances is easy to read, simply drove me into a stupor. I had to re-read paragraphs to make sense of what is happening and at least a little tv shop to imagine what was happening. In "Runner" absolutely no descriptions, author uses almost no complex sentences. Text odnoslozhen and Presa, is incredibly difficult to read because Deshner periodically failed ligaments and loses logic.
When I talk about the lack of descriptions, I'm not kidding and do not exaggerate. The worst thing is when in other situations it is possible to shift the blame to the language barrier (different languages - different understanding) then do not do so. I specifically looked at the original and it is no different from the translation. tv shop
Deshner writes simple, almost tv shop too simple. Instead, for example, "concrete wall was high and probably the height of five-story building. Ivy covered her so that she seemed to be woven from plants, moss at the foot creating a feeling that the grass began to grow vertically on the wall. "The author writes," Thomas went to the wall. It was concrete and high. " (I know that my example is not the best, but I'm not a writer or write a best-seller.) It's incredibly tedious and lulling. Characters, by the way, spelled the same way. Moreover, we do not know about the main character is nothing but his name and approximate age, although the author is a third-person narration (even in the GOP, where first we knew about the appearance of the main character more than here), and other characters spelled tv shop as "He was black," "He was small and kind of twelve years," and "She was beautiful, her blue eyes he liked." And this is not the case when the author leaves room for the imagination of the reader, this is the case when the reader begins to wonder, "Do all have the character look?".
And so described not only the appearance. Characters are not used at all. They do not just not spelled out, they are hardly mentioned. Blame it on the fact that young people do not remember their past should not - each has its own personality, which can not be limited to the concepts of "bad" and "good." But not here. Deshner narrates in the third person, whose position allows to survey all the characters with beautiful and interesting life, but he is focused solely on the main character tv shop literally pursues his heels, only expressing his point of view, and half of the first part of the book consists of all thoughts of Thomas. Then why write in the third person? I do not understand.
Dialogues written disgusting. Many of them have no sense. Remembered "Sting-up", only here there was a bet on the high moral dialogues, tv shop though and simulated. Here we will have a completely inappropriate bytovuha with repeated remarks that factitious even more than in the aforementioned film.
Here, I will give the first available quote: - What's going on? - He asked, pointing at the building. - I do not know - the fat man said. His voice was still childish thin. - Ben There, quite bad. They took it. - They? - Thomas did not like sounded tv shop ominously in the mouths of the word boy. - Yeah. - Who is it - are they? - Say thank you, if at all, never know - quite nonchalantly that it is at least strange in such circumstances, the boy said, extending his hand. - My name is Chuck. I had a pot before you came here. (....) - You're hiding something tv shop - he said finally disposing of the apple and taking a long drink of water. His increasingly annoyed that his questions tv shop stubbornly respond. But even if he got the answers, how would he know the truth if he say? - Why do you let in so much fog? - Just because it's all arranged. There a lot of things strange, and most of us know very little. Well, maybe only half of the total. - Good. Nobody told me I could not look around a bit. - He needs to find out something, or he would go mad. - Hey, hey, wait! - Chuck shouted, start after him. - Beware, the baby is about to be closed! -

Saturday, June 14, 2014

! . . 1 1 () . .. 15 2 () Jeff

88sears : 5-01-2014, 19:28 12, . ,, . . ... ,,. . ,. "? ! " , . 12. . 15 ..., . ... ,,. 3, ,,, . . . . ,. " ". 2. , ", ". ,. . . , ! ,. . , ,. ,. . ,,,, ,. ,. , ( ,),. 2. . . ,. ,, ,. ",," "". "". . . "...! ... -. , "- . -,) -, , ...! - ...)? - 12,,, . -??? ) -. .. -? -! ! ---- ... -)) - -! -, "" ... - ... - 12, 20) -? - .... - " "-, -,) -,, . ,, . . . . . . , ( ). ,, , ",. ,,, ) "-. 88sears - ..,! , .. - ... . -. - ... -? - .., ,.
! . . 1 1 () . .. 15 2 () Jeff's Story by Krista . . 16. ()

Friday, June 13, 2014

This fragrance - like a tuxedo, not every day. It can be worn only on special cuponatic occasions.

Sizzling 2014 World Cup players: cuponatic do bid?
We live in a world catastrophe, but what little of them compared with svezhenadushennym colleague in a stuffy office, cuponatic with the head, the fragrant perfume of the same, and that the driver of the bus, with the favorite, was loyal to the same stinking muck in kubikoobraznom vial. In the end, our good, dear, the stronger cuponatic sex! Leave this venture, to buy their own perfumes, focusing on your own taste. Remember, dear man: the best perfume for men choose women! And listen to our advice.
Entire line of F by Ferragamo, including East and refined woody fragrance F by Ferragamo Pour Homme, house Salvatore Ferragamo has developed a known "nose" Olivier Polzh known for perfumes Burberry The Beat for men and women, Dior Homme, Moschino Friends Men.
F by Ferragamo Pour Homme Monsieur Polzh saw ... very Italian, passionate, temperamental, with a noticeable taste of spices. Spirits begin notes of lavender and apples, opening Rockrose, leather and amber. Although F by Ferragamo Pour Homme was released in 2007, these men's spirits remain cuponatic relevant in 2012 thanks ageless fragrance.
Flavor, completely in the spirit of the house Kenzo, created all the same Olivier Polzh: Kenzo Homme Woody - flanker original Kenzo Homme (1991), appeared on the shelves in September 2010. Rich woody fragrance, enveloping and simultaneously refreshing, gentle and courageous, relaxing and exciting - they are real men's perfume for the modern city dwellers. Built on contradictions, on a combination of mint and basil, vetiver and wood, Kenzo Homme Woody harmonized notes of pepper, rosemary and cedar.
Really strict office flavor - if you need to feel the freshness that does not interfere with business sentiment, trust notes of mandarin combined with black pepper, which are disclosed in the heart chords gum elemi, eucalyptus, orchid blossoms and geraniums. In warm smoky base papyrus, black amber and white wood.
And in general, to produce perfume brand Jack Black should look at first, they recently on the market, their ideas have not yet become cuponatic boring, cuponatic and secondly, their perfumes are rare, yet you will smell unique, thirdly, their perfume compositions very interesting and never sound cheap. Fashionable men's perfume: Gucci Guilty Intense
Provocative and strong flavor of the famous brand, it is luxurious and sensual as much as can be sensual perfume for men. In 2012, wearing Gucci Guilty Intense still fashionable, despite the fact that he was released a year ago. Lemon and lavender precede the onset of powerful chords cuponatic coriander, neroli, patchouli and cedar, merging with amber and orange flowers. Bottle of perfume is worthy of special mention its understated and stylish design.
Dominating voluptuous musk intertwine in Narciso Rodriguez for Him Musk intoxicating chords with iris and red berries forming a rich and endearing scent. By the way, "cantaloupe" series was steamy, it is possible to find the same perfume for women by Narciso Rodriguez.
Almost all spirits from the collection of Andy Warhol Bond No. 9 (except Andy Warhol Union Square) unisex, designed for both men and women at the same time. However, it was Andy Warhol Success is a Job in New York Bond No 9 can be called the best perfume collection, complex, multi-faceted and complex aroma. He is as difficult and provocative, as well as works by Andy Warhol, which is the subject. Perfume composition Andy Warhol Success is a Job in New York Bond No 9 open notes of coriander, cardamom, mandarin, bergamot, which lead to the subtle heart of jasmine, tuberose, rose, plum and pepper. Eastern base consists of vanilla, patchouli and amber. Best classic men's perfume: Cartier Declaration
This fragrance - like a tuxedo, not every day. It can be worn only on special cuponatic occasions. Floral-musky scent that has its origins in 1998, has not lost its charm and French style popularity over the years.
Top notes - wormwood, cumin, coriander, birch, cuponatic mandarin, bergamot, cuponatic neroli and bitter orange. In the heart of iris, ginger, cinnamon, pepper, juniper, orris root, jasmine and cardamom Guatemala. Base notes are leather, amber, tea, tahitian vetiver, oak moss and cedar.
The combination of precious removed and fresh bergamot somewhat unexpected, but very impressive. Jo Malone Cologne Intense Oud & Bergamot - the fruit of joint efforts by perfumers brand Jo Malone (at the time of these spirits brand founder, Joe Malone, had already left their offspring) and Christine Nagel, known for working with Cartier, Azzaro, Dior and many others.
Fragrance inspired by the beauty and traditions of the East, is actually a fresh interpretation of the Arab spirits - in Jo Malone Cologne Intense Oud & Bergamot beats intertwined with citrus notes of lemon, cuponatic bergamot and orange on a cedar base.
Innovative and young in spirit aroma, it perfectly podoy