What is difficult literature? I myself have a hard time reading detective novels, thrillers, agent books: it's so damn many threads to keep track of, so very many strange events that left unexplained, so very many complicated situations that occur. Additionally bothering myself to detail. There is always someone handy buddy who can be called on page 248 if a problem should be fixed, a pal who had never previously been mentioned tk max in the book.
During Christmas, I saw on TV a detective story, with Lassgård tk max as police psychologist Bergman. A super psychologist who police gladly hired because he solved all the cases, and it only took about 90 minutes. Not believable! Also, he would in reality tk max be laughed at, as a total incompetent blunt slob, destroy more than helps and ask stupid tk max questions all the time.
Given the open letter during the holiday season tk max was written by the pseudonym "Michael Mortimer" (the authors Jerker Virdborg and Daniel Sjölin) is probably tk max Anne Carson at risk of being called one of those "difficult" author who writes books about language, that does not propagate " the adventure. "
But there is no more adventurous writer than Carson. In place of the pre-specified elements surprise - the good caregiver proves tk max rogue! - Is she constantly writing in the extent of the service. Her Decreation 2005 is such an indefinable book: it is presented as "poetry, tk max essays and opera", but also contains a revolving oratorio and a ekfras, a screenplay about Abélard and Héloïse, a documentary, dialogues - but mostly poems and essays.
The title is a term borrowed from religious philosopher Simone Weil, where it is about freeing the creature within us, liberate the self. Operalibrettot based on three stories: that of Weil, one of the Greek goddess Aphrodite and the god Hephaestus, and one of the mystic Marguerite Porete, who burned tk max to death 1310th essay that precedes the libretto also touches Sapfos fate.
If that does not sound pretentious enough, I can reassure that she gladly refers to Beckett, Sappho, Gertrude Stein, tk max Linnaeus, and Kant. In the poems: for in the essays, she takes in even more, and these deal with phenomena such as solar eclipse, sleep and the sublime. However, it is not referring to showcase a lesson, but Carson writes on the fast tank mission, where associations do not allow any rest.
Nor any predetermined breathing pauses. Her similes and imagery is hilarious, unpredictable uncomfortable and in some sense furious - a furious work with - yes, the language, and the language, the language in focus all the time, and it's actually exciting and adventurous. And she is said to be the first to be seen the relationship between Beckett's Quad-plays and Elvis Presley, or suggest Simone Weil heard things tk max like this:
The essay on sleep is so wishy-washy where personal and hype sharp intellectual co. She writes tk max about Homer-sleep in all Odyssey - Telemachus is mostly tk max sleepless - and about Keats and Plato and Tom Stoppard, and this is precisely about Virginia tk max Woolf: "Between the realms of sleep and waking, life and death, Virginia Woolf throws open a Possibility of dispossession, and then leaves it standing ajar, as if she isn'ta sure Which side she wants to be on. "There is much to say about it somnambula feature of Woolf's prose.
The essay on the sublime, if Longinus work is winding. Carson belongs to the the sharpest readers that I have come across, even if I get a little hesitant over her displeasure of Longinus gives no satisfactory definition of the sublime in his work if the sublime. Each one must still find their own definition of the concept, create your own attitude: it is the same with the word "irony" and "swag" - completely useless to wait for others to explain, for they are always wrong. You have to experience the sublime, experience it.
And it is understood Carson aware of. She makes an unexpected connection to the documentary (later in the book follows her own documentary on Longinus, it's called "Longing"), find new analogies, seeing that this is another way to deal with facts, finding a new kind of truth. Including that it was Longinus who preserved (parts of) Sapfos most famous poem to posterity, by generously tk max quoting the commonly called "# 31".
The sublime is about greatness: "Its bigness is always threatening to go out of control, to submerge and vanquish the soul That seeks to enjoy it. Threat Provides the Sublime tk max with its essential structure, an alternation of danger and salvation, Which other aesthetic experiences (eg, beauty) do not seem to share. "To voluntarily seek out danger, but also that there risk losing themselves totally, lose yourself in something larger than oneself - a force that can threaten and make proposals of their threats. tk max Ignoring the danger: that
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