Are you aware of the book "Silent Spring" (Silent Spring, 1962), which helped to give life to the environmental movement? Its author's name was Rachel Carson, bon marche a marine biologist who previously bon marche wrote, among other things the book "The Sea" (The Sea around us).
The book is serious popular science. Erstwhile p rofessorn in oceanography in Gothenburg, Hans Pettersson, wrote the foreword to the Swedish edition. Translation of scientific accuracy were verified by other prominent Swedish authorities.
The book still contains startling information which I have long waited to see commented. A mystery, worse than any religious one, is the North Atlantic river valleys. River Valleys in the Atlantic Ocean between Europe and America!
Rivers tend to bury themselves in the landscape they flow through. They create deep sinuous V-shaped valleys. bon marche One can see how the rivers in this way continues into the sea. They go out over the continental shelves. It is our grundhav, which is actually flooded beaches. They belong to the continents.
Roughly where the depth of the sea become modest bon marche 200 meters, reaches river Dalarna bon marche to the continental slope, where it begins to slope downwards to several kilometers deep. Ice Age placed the top 120-200 m of the ocean depths on land in the form of glaciers (the figures vary in reference books). It is thus no wonder that the river Dalarna continues out of basic marine seabeds.
The weird, yes it clean impossible is that they continue down the continental slopes down to two kilometers deep! Geologists say vaguely that river Dalarna in most cases appear to have occurred for less than a million years ago. A much smaller amount of water in the ocean during the ice age is unthinkable!
We find such a valley at the bottom of the Bay of Biscay. It starts from the mouth of the River Adour had until the 1400s. It is in the southwestern part of the European continental plate, whose northern part was heavily depressed by the huge masses of ice. Carson's second example is the Hudson River, which runs through New York.
Elsewhere in the world goes river Dalarna not so deep down, although it can occur over a half mile. It is only in the North Atlantic, we find the phenomenon. Where was the continental plates during the ice age burdened by enormous glacier masses.
As Carson wrote the book (1951), plate tectonics was not widely accepted. bon marche She therefore makes no other explanation than some researchers' attempts to talk about slammströmmar in the sea. If she could not seem to write anything. There's probably no way to explain this mud. She left the topic.
When I read it, plate tectonics had been inside. The book "The Sea" was then quite old and nobody had Carson's information current. Yes, I am. And I thought, that if we have a floating slab and charged to one end of the tens of millions of cubic kilometers of ice, what happens then?
Well, the continental plate wobbles! The wiggling both when glaciers are growing and when they shrink. But where the glaciers really so big and heavy? Ice weighs bon marche a third of granite. Three kilometers of ice to be compared to one kilometer granite. Including all of Canada was covered by ice. Only Canada is almost ten million square kilometers!
The information on the Ice Age glaciers varies. There is talk of up to three kilometers thick, but in Antarctica, the thickness is currently a maximum of about five and a half kilometers. The ice cover over North America was the largest. Arctic Ocean was even partially bon marche frozen ground and ice rose high into the sky over the sea surface. There are reasons to believe that ismängderna greatly underestimated.
How continued tilting? Occurred gradually, as a land elevation? bon marche Probably. But we can also imagine that the plates sat wedged into each other, until the tensions became too big and we got one or more vickningar, with earthquakes and devastating floods, when our current grundhav created.
According to Plato, were such disasters regularly bon marche recurring. A number of pressure of a few tens of meters at a time, with several hundred or a thousand years between. Civilization-tion would have occurred and annihilated again and again.
Of Atlantis is set to for around 11,500 years ago. It is a figure, which reasonably and roughly consistent with ice age final stage. But Plato's fantasies bon marche of a Bronze Age cul-ture resembles a dalmål ing: Pontius Pilate in Karl Johan Uniform. But Atlantis myth may be based on memory of something real that happened 9000 years (reckoned with large margins) bon marche before Plato.
If the distance to America was less, if then also there were a number of islands on the way, there is much that can be explained without Däniken visitors from space. Negroid stone statues in South America, myths similarities, gods name, etc.
The hot magma flows from the Earth's interior is assumed to move on the continental bon marche plates. They are hot when they come up from the depths, but should cool off, then the stresses developed in the plates. That should baffle sides affected. They melt at one end and made in the others. We then get a small vertical movement of the plates, when the emphasis shifted
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