Wednesday, November 20, 2013

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KETAPANG - Head of Regional Personnel (BKD) Ketapang, Ibn Syarif asked to prospective applicants employess in Ketapang especially those from outside the district cheshire oaks are really ready to be placed perhuluan area, and do not make Ketapang as a stepping stone to return cheshire oaks to the region as a civil servant . According to him, most of the information made available is outside the city center.
"It needs to be underlined that it is not ready, cheshire oaks not a good sign, because the edges are just asked to move, and then made us lacked in areas again, make it jak" said Ibnu Syarif workroom, Monday (09/09/2013) .
Ibnu said Ketapang gets formations for public employess total 103, among which 55 are allocated to teachers, health workers and 35 to 13 for technical personnel. Registration is open starting on Monday cheshire oaks (09/09/2013) to Saturday (09/28/2013) at 12 noon.
Although there is no term priority to sons of the soil, Ibnu said he strongly expects the central government cheshire oaks not only look at the intellectual abilities of applicants, but the applicant's mental kseiapan seniri to remain on duty in Ketapang.
"There is a statement, but it is much better if that makes it really meant to serve here, the central government is also expected not to see our region equated with registration in Java, if looked intelktual, smart but the new year has been absent two years continued to work in the regions, who are the losers? Yes society cheshire oaks and the state, "he said
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