Saturday, November 23, 2013

SAD life portrait above is a picture that could

Vast expanse of the earth, Indonesia, was inhabited tati by various tribes and races. The various tribes and races start living in urban areas, suburban to rural areas. When viewed from various aspects of life, standard of living and progress every area is different. Urban life is filled with a variety of facilities, entertainment and progress in various fields is very different when compared with life in the suburbs and rural areas of Indonesia. Life is very simple and sometimes seem primitive, with economic and educational levels are very low embedded in suburban communities and rural Indonesia.
Park Hill 12 (TNB 12) Jambi is one of the many area suburbs and rural Indonesia. BNP 12 is located on the outskirts of the city of Jambi. This area has an area of approximately tati 60,500 hectares in the form of lowland and hilly areas are at an altitude of 30-430 m above sea level and is a tropical rain forest. tati Administratively, the area is lerletak in three districts, namely Sarolangun, Muaratebo and Batang Jambi Province. In the area of the Park Hill 12, settled a tribe called Tribal Child Within (SAD) who have lived in the area for decades TNB 12. Residents of the province of Jambi used to call this tribe as Orang Rimba, relatives and well Kubu.
SAD life is very different from the public at large. They live on the potential of existing forests in the park 12. Ranging from shelter to food they get from the forest. SAD obtain daily food through hunting, gathering and collecting fruits in the forest. Very thick with customs, is one characteristic of SAD. In everyday life they dress according to their religious customs, the dress sober. tati By the time they are in their group, they will only cover certain parts of their body. However, if they are in residential communities, they will be dressed as the community at large. Forests for SAD is a place odyssey. This belief makes them live in nomadic or move from one place to another place in the area and the park forest 12.
Living in the suburbs and inland, away from the SAD does not make progress. SAD life today is very much different from the SAD life decades ago. Progress tati that they do not get separated from the role of local governments and communities Governmental Organization (NGO) concerned tati with their fate. Despite making progress in some aspects of life, but the life they lead is far different than urban residents.
In terms of the economy, SAD experienced remarkable tati progress. Their current tati livelihoods not only of hunting and collecting tati fruits. With the help of the local government for the provision of assistance to settle the rubber plant, making the SAD has a better livelihood (Jambiprov, 2013). Increased economies provide tremendous positive impact, one wishes SAD to sedentary life is reduced. Progress even this does not escape from SAD own willingness to open up access and accept outsiders who care about their lives.
In the field of education, residents of SAD has gained quite fantastic progress when compared to the conditions meraka knowledge in ancient times. The Orang Rimba SAD also has an education that they get from people who are very concerned with their fate. Ranging from NGOs to other volunteers have provided an outstanding education on them. Despite the makeshift conditions, without the school buildings and facilities are adequate, they are still eager to learn. Besudut, one of the residents of SAD, has successfully passed the examination. Besudut is the first SAD citizens who will feel the world in higher education with the help of scholarships and local government (MONE, 2013). Although not all people have the literacy SAD good, but at least Besudut achievements have been successfully paved the stigma of people who think that the child will be jungle SAD always backwardness in terms of education.
S aat SAD residents have known cell phone. This is an advance in the field of telecommunications. tati But HP they have sometimes only they use to listen to music or tones that exist on the HP. This phenomenon occurs because the very reasonable mobile phone signal in the park area 12 is not maximized. Signal can be obtained fairly simply by SAD who lived not far from the countryside who were around the park 12.
SAD life portrait above is a picture that could

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