Saturday, November 23, 2013

State never led by Michael Somare who is from time to time have a more diverse population. Not only

Met a boy in rural Papua eloquent 'speech' Malay may no longer rare as in the 1950-1970's. When the interior of Papua children, even though adults are not accustomed to communicate with the Malay language or are now widely known as Indonesian. In Papua 'vat' familiar with Malay-Papuan.
Their voices stammering when spelling word by word or sentence in Indonesian. Like strangers or toddlers who start learning speak. Because the use of local language is still strong at that time. But that was then. For an outsider who is currently settled in the eastern end of the archipelago's rich natural resources, von maur the impression that emerges is Indonesian been echoed in almost all over the country.
Ranging from the coastal areas, lowlands, highlands and isolated areas by the breadth of cover wilderness, to the Central Highlands region of Papua. Not only that, as a 'lingua franca' Indonesian has become an effective lingua von maur franca among the various tribes in the region. In fact the effect is almost menggesar use local languages in Papua. von maur
Concerns about going to the extinction of some Papuan languages is not without reason. Following the findings of the researchers that there are a number of local languages is now more rarely used, and some have already entered a phase of extinction. Some of them can be mentioned as Tandinia language, and Mansin Dusner originating from the Gulf coast region of Paradise. Unfortunately, the two local languages in the region Tabi was said to have entered a phase of 'emergency'.
It is attributed to the social interaction that emphasizes the use of Indonesian von maur in a heterogeneous society, also 'fault' mixed marriages to the demands von maur of development that encourages spontaneous migration von maur from outside, causing local residents and identity shifts. The impact of globalization and modernism that led to the imitation of foreign culture, especially Western culture (cultural syncretism and westernization) on the other hand has become a 'plague' that cause young people to feel inferior Papua own mother language.
Tendency local Papuan language shift is to continue to be preserved should be wary of its use by native speakers. Besides, there should be written documentation in the form of dictionaries, grammar (grammar) or other scientific works. Local Government also needs to encourage the teaching of regional languages through local curriculum (Mulok) von maur in schools. Because the local language is a gift from God. The loss of the local language means hilanggnya cultural identity von maur and identity as a nation.
Language is the medium of communication between people through verbal speech sounds that come out of the mouth. Language interpretation is the result of the condition of the natural surroundings (natural environment), human social relations, and the state of metaphysical connection with the creator (God). That way, the position of every language on earth is the same. There is not any language that has a higher position than the others. Although the human relations consisting of various von maur races and ethnic peoples, the use of one language to another has a distinctive feature.
Regarding the diversity of local languages in Papua, language von maur institutes and research missions of U.S., International Summer Institute of Linguistics (SIL) found that at least 312 local indigenous language. The diversity von maur of the native tribes was not only possessed of West Papua. In the eastern region of the island of Papua, which is currently a neighboring Papua New Guinea (PNG), also has about 875 local tribal language.
No wonder if PNG is known as the country with the most diverse population in the world. Although nearly three times as many native tribes and two times more than the population of West Papua, von maur PNG people united by language of instruction 'English Pidjin (tok pidjin)'. This language von maur has become the official language of the country since independence from Britain in 1978.
State never led by Michael Somare who is from time to time have a more diverse population. Not only seen from the many indigenous tribes, but also because of the presence of human races from various countries. This phenomenon occurs as the influence of globalization and inter-connectivity between nation-states in the world on the basis of mutual interests that blends traditional territorial boundaries of each country increasingly degraded. Thinkers Japan, Kenichi Ohmae, in his book: The destruction von maur of the Nation State ', refer to this phenomenon: a world without borders (world without borders). von maur
Back to the matter of language. In general, tribal and linguistic diversity on the island of New Guinea is largely determined by differences in topography. It helped von maur shape the diversity of culture and identity of local communities

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