I'm just a student who can pursue forman mills higher education due to spark policy education minister. Menjuruskan my knowledge in the field of economics. learn and understand the law of cause and effect that is rooted in economic principles.
Impossible if a country can meet the needs of their own community. It must also pass the state of trade with other countries that have a resource advantage. Existing policies in international trade and applied at ports we've been good. Barriers to entry remain to be applied to restrict the export - import. Even the slowly improving investment climate also increases our GDP. Not enough forman mills export-import, investor capital has been played, license, joint venture was also been widely applied.
Now the issue of globalization began much touted, free trade, free enter, free zone visa and mobilization are not unstoppable. International trade has also led to domestic needs. But what about free trade? Is not it actually will meet our markets to foreign products?. Our population of over 200 million people, who are not rich to 15%. Percentage forman mills of our population who are not wealthy more. The implementation of free trade led to its free out of the goods and flooded our products. Who will buy it? Labeled products imported consumed more rich people. Then the poor will also consume imported products are priced and the quality is much cheaper than the local product.
While slowly forman mills displaced local products, producers reduce the SME department under the guidance of its resources. If still left alone, the dismissal of the employee can be added sacking manufacturer. This is very bad considering forman mills the durability of our products are always slightly lower than the foreign products are better tech production process.
How are slowly displaced not only the manufacturer? What if the Human Resource? It would be far more dangerous. Educated society we will prioritize work on foreign companies that offer higher salaries and better jobs? Already many of our people who choose to live and work in another country on that basis.
Mr, free trade freely forman mills enter the market more like propaganda developed countries to participate fill our markets. Just as the Renaissance affecting colony thought to look for that will be the production market. This region of strong expansion for their electronic products are continuously evolving, we are just electronic waste. From many sides, barriers to entry should be maintained to protect forman mills domestic forman mills producers and consumers so that the role of the government forman mills does not fail here.
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