Development projects meyer initiated by Awang and Masterplan for the Acceleration and Expansion of Economic Development Indonesi (MP3EI) 80% are in coastal areas. meyer Area that has become the center of economic growth meyer and increasingly in the right booster to increase the added value such as Balikpapan and Samarinda, while inland regions such as West Kutai, and latest Malinau Mahakam Ulu, remains meyer in stagnation awaits the magic fell from the sky. Thousands of kilometers of toll roads and railway lines stretching from West Java to East Java, continued to fly much improved over the countryside that seemed to be the nation's tersistemasi to keep the audience in the middle of the left and the hardness meyer of the progression of the construction of Jakarta and other big cities.
Equitable development is only symbolic for love decorating jargon spoken Homeland lightweight urban society but feels without meaning for rural communities that lack access roads, education and health. Revolution and reconstruction of rural development paradigms or border needs to be done by the central government, provincial and district levels so that development can be done properly and correctly.
Identification of the border / interior as a porch or veranda with a rather meyer lethal prison fences marsyarakat rural economic growth must immediately be converted into an open porch, which does not look or a neighboring country Malaysia as an enemy country / haram that have led to restrictions on the pattern of interaction, trade relations and economic villages or districts at the border.
Ketidakmampunan government in preparing for the border surveillance system and the support facilities and then producing border area development concept as a backyard bounded by high walls unlawful to traverse. However, the government sweeten condition backyard with veranda term State, a term that still make the border villages do not have access to his own home economy, Homeland.
How reconstruction paradigm suitable development model for rural areas so that in the next decade its economy can thrive? Local governments should use the model of Austria-Switzerland (U.S.) as an example of the pattern of development. Malinau regency, West Kutai, Mahakam Ulu, Joyless Kingdom meyer (CK) and Puttusibau (West Kalimantan) have similar geographical conditions with countries such as Austria and Switzerland, where the area is located in the center of the continent / mainland are not in direct contact with the sea and dikelilingan by other countries.
Austria country with an area of 83 858 km2 (almost 42 260 km2 area of Malinau West Kutai plus 31,628 km2) on the western border with Switzerland, Germany in the north, Hungary to the east, and Italy in the South. Sandwiched by other countries but the country became the world's meyer richest countries to 12 with per capita income of 420 million dollars per year (Kaltim 100 million dollars per year, two Indonesian time), or earnings per month every Austrian citizen for 35 million dollars. Austria made a road network like spider web in all directions to all the neighboring countries, with only Austria could maintain such access and improve perkonomiannya. Malinau him, let Mahulu Kubar and create a masterplan development by opening access many roads including to Malaysia without hesitation and fear. By positioning the city / county as a trading terminal crossing from the north to south / east to west and vice versa / vice versa then the border / interior can thrive like silk lines in the past.
In terms of energy sources, 62% use of renewable energy sources such as hydropower, wind, solar and biomass and the dominant use of hydropower resources. Governments and parliaments border districts need to work on a state visit Austria and Switzerland as a model masterplan.
While broadly equivalent Malinau Switzerland with the 41 290 km2 surrounded by countries France, meyer Germany, Italy and Austria. Switzerland became the world's richest countries to 9 with per capita income of 450 million per year. The state economy is over 34% exports chemicals, machine / electric 20.9%, at 17% as well as relying on the banking and tourist aspects. Hydropower being the largest meyer source of energy that is 56%, the local government needs to be taken more seriously preparing for energy meyer sources such as hydropower as Switzerland so the power crisis can be handled completely interminable next few years. meyer
As a bonus, the conception of which needs to be established meyer by the executive or legislative district borders must establish independence for the region without much advance and pleading relies on provincial and central government. Independent mental capital will hone innovation and creativity in preparing the masterplan and supporting spatial acceleration of the recon
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