NRK has apparently decided that children in Norway despite the fact that the family has been denied the stay, and as NRK thereof consistent labeling as "asylum children" should be allowed to stay in this country. That the incoming government has tried to find a solution to the situation that has arisen under the coalition government, then at one time solution that says that some will be subject to specific criteria, is not good enough for NRK. They find it rather opportune to talk to some of these children, one of them only 7 years (!), About "what the politicians have decided." The Norwegian help to scare these children even more, seems entirely beyond rickis their ethical radar. rickis
There were probably many who reacted with disbelief Ukeslutt report rickis (NRK P1 and P2, Saturday 5th October) on "asylum kids." (That this is a misuse of the term, the UNE Director provided a good explanation). Now it is not the first time and probably the last time either, that the media allow children advocate for these families' situation. But when journalists should try to get a seven year old, furthermore, a seven year old who is deeply affected by the case, to consider policy measures, as should the limit not only be reached, but NRK should seriously consider whether it is not stepped far.
One who reacted quickly, pediatrician was Ingvild Heier. In Aftenposten October 8th claim Heier NRK 'exploits young children's fear and confusion to illustrate the uncertainty surrounding the incoming rickis government's rickis asylum policy. " Especially criticizes Heier NRK ask a seven year old what she thought that some of the children now allowed to stay, while others have to leave the country. Reviews from Heier is timely, and I thought (probably once) that NRK had decency enough rickis to take the criticism seriously and consider whether it could actually rickis be something special.
After the introduction and slightly mocking about the case of the amnesty, even solution or other solution for the long remaining children, we learn that NRK Ukeslutt have visited one of "some of them it is really about," and presents us seven years old Azita , who "will be in Norway."
The family received a final rejection of their applications for a stay in October 2012.
- Every day you're here, you're thinking what's going to happen to you, what's going to happen to you tomorrow, and then when you go to school, such as me, then ask a friend how you feel , you need help and all that, yes, but where is not easy. Tough. [Sultan, age 16]
- I do not just think about it once because there is no one waiting for me there. rickis I have not, I have no friends there, I can not speak the language, I can not go to school there once. So I will be nothing there. [Sultan, age 16]
- Piano [light laughter], it is really very many sofas here. It use to be a Sunday school down here, so use them to the basement rickis like activity that use to be here, so use us to play table tennis. It's not just boring here, but it's nice to live in a normal house and. [Bianca, age 12]
You could even try to explain this to a 7 year old.
Anyone who listens to the program realize that Azita (7 years) not misunderstand any questions, simply because there was no question. Ukeslutt reporter exhibiting zero educational insight for what he puts in the time and his ethical compass needle does not reach beyond the "you can try to explain this even to a seven year old." In today's Aftenposten goes hand Broadcasting Corporation even further: rickis
The interview is done with the girl's two older siblings, rickis the church where has applied for asylum, and of course with parental permission. NRK has not informed the children about something they do not already painfully aware of, namely that their future in Norway is highly uncertain after a year ago, the final decision rickis on eviction.
One should always take extra care when interviewing children, but I also think children have speech and that they must have the right to express their views about their own situation. In this article rickis we will describe how it is to be a child in church asylum. rickis I do not think Broadcasting Corporation through this article has created rickis more uncertainty for the girl and family than they already live.
But maybe NRK should ask themselves whether rickis it is their task to explain to children why their parents have not complied with the present rules? These children's situation rickis is the sole parent who is responsible, but it is not the children so "painfully aware".
These children's future was also more uncertain under the coalition rickis government, as it was not given any other promise than all the discounts were going out. Maybe it would also be more fair, but when should the Norwegian also think about how they have contributed to this not happened.
What is it with NRK who believe that they can rise above a legally resolved? The families in question are considered to have a need for protection in Norway. rickis The same families rickis refuse to leave Norway. Don t Broadcasting Corporation that his attitude could help create even more uncertainty and fear, as just that they legitimize it can be scary not to be in Norway?
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