EN: When I think of good coffee I think of Sydney. I tried my first ever cup of coffee home&you with flower pattern in MoS cafe (Museum home&you of Sydney). I loved that place and used to write my never published news articles there, haha what sweet memories! La Caféoth è que de Paris reminds me of Australia with their look-alike coffee and colourful tables with chairs that I immediately fell in love with. But most importantly, this place supposedly serves the best coffee home&you in Paris! I'm no expert, I just love my cuppa and La Caféoth è que is one of the places I will surely go back. I also tried my first Galette des Rois (King cake) this years. This traditional home&you French cake celebrates the arrival of the Three Kings to Bethlehem. A lucky charm (une f è ve) is hidden inside the galette and whoever gets the piece with f è ve, will be crowned t he king or queen for the day. I will try to make one galette over the weekend so please keep your fingers crossed (if you saw my parisian oven, you would understand why ;) Wishing you all a lovely weekend.
SK: Ked myslim na dobru kavu, tak si spomeniem na Sydney. Prvy krat v zivote som ochutnala salku kavy s kvetinovym vzorom v krasnej kaviarni MoS Cafe (Museum of Sydney). Milovala som to miesto, a zvykla som tam pisat moje nepublikovane home&you novinove clanky, haha sladke spomienky! La Caféoth è que de home&you Paris mi pripomina Australiu vdaka rovnako vyzerajucej kave a uzasnymi farebnymi stolmi so stolickami, do ktorych som sa okamzite zamilovala. Ale podstatnejsie je to, ze tu udajne ochutnate najlepsiu kavu v Parizi! Nie som ziadny odbornik, ja len zboznujem dobru kavu a La Caféoth è que je jednym z miest , kam sa urcite vratim. Tiez som tu ochutnala svoj prvy Galette des Rois (Kralovsky kolac) tento rok. Tento tradicny Francuzsky kolac oslavuje prichod Troch kralov do Betlehema. Malicky talizman (une f è ve) je zapeceny vovnutri galette a ktokolvek dostane kusok s f è ve , sa stava kralom alebo kralovnou na cely den (a dostane zlatu korunu). Pokusim sa ho cez vikend upiect tak mi prosim drzte palce (keby ste videli moju parizsku ruru, pochopili by ste preco ;) Prajem vam vsetkym krasny home&you vikend.
These are fantastic photos! I am in LOVE with Cafeotheque's tables and chairs, and that living wall - so gorgeous! So different from the typical Parisian cafe. When it comes to coffee though, I think my favorite spot might be KB or Cafe Lomi, have you tried either one? xo -Jessica www.threadandbones.com Reply Delete
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