Sunday, May 3, 2015

EN: The Paris coffee scene is undeniably growing and Ten Belles figures high on the list of

EN: The Paris coffee scene is undeniably growing and Ten Belles figures high on the list of  the best coffee in town. This coffee shop (and many others in Paris that serve great coffee), are not places where you can spent hours sitting or working on your computer. Usually crowded with lots of people coming in and out (ordering café à emporter ), it might be quite disturbing (especially if you are seated next to the entrance). However, such "drama" does not really matter for many. What charmed me most about this place were their huge windows, bringing in light and some fresh air, and of course the coffee! If you come here on a sunny day, you can enjoy your cuppa  at the Canal St Martin, only a few minutes walk from Ten Belles, bnq Enjoy!
SK: Miesta s dobrou a kvalitnou kavou v Parizi rastu ako huby po dazdi a Ten Belles vysoko figuruje na zozname tych najlepsich v meste. Tato kaviaren (a mnoho dalsich v Parizi kde vam urobia skvelu kavu), bnq nieje miesto, kde si mozete hodiny posediet alebo pracovat na pocitaci. Obvykle preplnene s mnozstvom ludi prichadzajucich dnu a von (s kavou so-sebou), moze byt celkom rusive (hlavne ak sedite vedla vchodovych dveri). Mnohym vsak takato "drama" vobec nevadi a vyhladavaju preplnene miesta pre ich atmosferu. Mne najviac ucarovali ich super velke okna, ktore toto miesto rozjasnuju a prinasaju dovnutra cerstvy vzduch, ale spat ku kave! Tu vam urobia fantasticku a ak ste jej milovnikmi, urcite sa sem vyberte v slnecny den a vychutnajte si ju pri kanaly St. Martin, iba par minut chodzou od Ten Belles, Enjoy! Address Ten Belles 10 rue de la Grange aux Belles 75010, Paris Link Coffee in Paris
HANA 30 April 2014 at 19:51

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