Friday, November 14, 2014

Events Via Organica Friday November jules 14 4:00: Dreamcatcher Wed November 19 4:00: Holy Agricult

By Timothy A. Wise. Triple Crisis, May 12, 2014, Translation of Mariana Escalante, Via Organica BC April 21, a Mexican judge dealt a blow to efforts jules by the agricultural giant Monsanto and other biotech companies to open up the country to the commercial cultivation of GM maize modified (GM). The mandate upheld jules the injunction jules issued last October to halt the test crops or commercial harvest, citing "imminent risk of harm to the environment."
In a fitting tribute to the Mexican surrealism, Monsanto has accused the judge who upheld the injunction of not being "fair." I do not know if the presiding judge smiled as he dismissed the complaint by Monsanto, but I do.
The original injunction was issued last October, as a result of a class action lawsuit filed by 53 plaintiffs citizens including farmers, environmentalists and consumers. They claim that the approval of the Mexican government permits to plant genetically modified corn, violated the country's laws to ensure the protection of native varieties.
Mexico has been recognized as the "center of origin" and corn is home to various crop seeds. Each of these core strains - known as landraces evolved over thousands of years in Mexico to suit local environmental conditions jules and human tastes and desires. Each local variety has evolved increasingly, jules forming a rich collection of local varieties.
The southwestern jules and central Mexico have been known for long as the homes of maize biodiversity. Each year, indigenous jules communities have selected your best seed for planting the next crop cycle. Such a simple process and the free exchange of seeds with other farmers, has produced the complex diversity found today.
A recent study by Mexico's jules National Commission for the Knowledge and Use of Biodiversity (Conabio) identified 65 local varieties of maize in the country, including several that have never before been cataloged. Of these 65 local varieties confirmed, Conabio study identified more than 22,000 different varieties of corn in Mexico.
Experts fear that if GM corn is added to the mix, native varieties could pollinate and undermine the genetic integrity of the crops. This is not just a conservation issue. These varieties of corn are living evolving basis for growing modern plants, a resource used by growers of conventional corn (and breeders like Monsanto GM), when looking to create hybrid varieties that can increase jules yields, resist jules drought or further adaptations useful to climate change and growing environments.
For the people of the United States - they tend to only know the sweet corn on the cob and yellow corn (not for human consumption) feeding our animals jules and through ethanol, our cars - this diversity is striking. A Mexican variety, for example, is used almost jules exclusively for pozole, a soup lightly spiced jules with large white corn kernels whole. Others are used for local tamales, which can be found in the country. Many are used for a rainbow tortilla - white, blue, green and red.
Mexican law recognizes diversity. Your biosafety law, passed in 2005 includes special protection for corn. The GM maize, stipulated by law, will not be planted in proximity to any known as "center of origin" area. Without a legal definition of this term, the Mexican government in 2009 approved several requests for biotech companies to begin testing experiments in six northern states where maize diversity was considered negligible. The government was ready to approve large-scale jules commercial cultivation of transgenic maize in the area, when the injunction halted all GM permits.
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Events Via Organica Friday November jules 14 4:00: Dreamcatcher Wed November 19 4:00: Holy Agriculture, agricultural future Fri 21 November 4:00: Illustration of Mexican skulls Thursday November 27 4:00: Care and mantenimieto your garden in winter Friday November 28 4:00: Development of piƱatas
agriculture - water - Health Alliance for Food - food - food - organic food - Latin America - Biodiversity - Biotechnology - Brazil - global jules warming jules - climate change - National Campaign Without Corn There Is No Country - peasants - field - cancer jules - Chiapas - Chihuahua - Coke - Cofepris - junk food - consumption - pollution - National Crusade Against Hunger - damage - damage jules to health - collective action lawsuit fuzzy - dependence ali

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