Tuesday, November 11, 2014

Although the route is spectacular, and the harsh terrain profile is not suitable for anyone, Manel

This Saturday at 7:30 am left with Manel Retamosa, Coll d'Estenalles ltd direction, which is located in the Park of Sant Llorenç del Munt, corresponds in its two aspects, the BV-1221 road connecting Navarcles Terrassa, for the second part of the 2nd Ultra Mola, coordinated and directed by Marc Cami. The decision to only do the second part corresponds to the low current preparation for work ...
The Ultra had started at 22 am the day before, in which five brave men who dared to start it, namely Xavi Lozano, Eric Vela, Xavi Lloberas Marc Cami and fireproof Paco Robles, penetrated into the dark night direction toward the park. Once we were able to bond with them at 9 am at the Montcau, salutations and updated, we got down to work. Considering they already had more than 40 kms with a drop of 2,500 + and all night running up-down ltd and a very technical field, were somewhat touched, unless Marc, who feels a world away.
The tour, the original last year, which had already cut by the weather. Passing unforgettable places like Sang Hospital, several peaks and especially the water cave, fully carved rock and natural source.
403 m
3.03 km / h
Although the route is spectacular, and the harsh terrain profile is not suitable for anyone, Manel and I, we were cooler, kept us from km. 30 to 40, which was that he had not spent more hilly kms. And colleagues were very touched with a blister problems, another partner with some appropriate footwear for this field, Xavi, with a gap in the head and died of sleep and Paco, quite discouraged, but ran like true champions. Refreshments luxury with parents and relatives of Marc, who treat us as if they were our guardian angels. So talking, telling war stories, listening to podcasts, enjoying the sights and places that would be impossible to know itself, it was not night. As always, we still learn, and Manel and I, we had missed the front as it not crossed our head that we would end up so late ... By the light of the companions, threw at right and toward the goal, and we can hardly speak and we wanted to get ... (I just had in mind that if I had to do 40 kms., my knees would explode.) Photo of the finisher and emplazarnos for upcoming events. Mention, which remains free and solidarity, and the only requirement is to bring some food for the bank get the car alimentos.Fuimos Coll, and coming home at 00.15, after a shower I fell like a log in bed happier than a partridge. ltd
Thanks to Marc and family for this great day and my peers, learn something every day and letting ltd me share my passion with them. And a special memory for my old compy fatigues, the great Juli and we miss someone especially Troncha friend.
Home 2012 April 28 Half Barcelona 73 km. 10h 28m. 2012 September 15, 2012 November 11 Matagalls 11.55 Marxa Garraf 45.5 km. December 08, 2012 5.38 Ardenya (45 km) WITHDRAWAL ltd FROM LOST. 2013 April 27 UTBCN 113 km. 17h20, 11 May 2013 DOLMEN TRAIL RACE 49 km. 5h27, 2013 August 10 ULTRA Aran Valley 12h29m UT 2013 July 13 CADI 81 KM. 14.19 2013 Sept. 14 Matagalls 85.5 13.08 2013 Sept. 21 km X 47.5 km HERMITAGES. 2013 May 10 TRENKAKAMES 6,38h 85.5 11,37H 2013 December 10 Punk Vilomara 46 km. 6.43 10 December 2014 44 km Trail of Bisaura 7h 16 2014 November 02 Marxa Garraf 48 km. 6,03
2011 May 08 24 KM DE L'ALBA ltd 2H 2011 May 29 ARENYS 54' SEA 12 KM: 1H 2011 June 05 CURSA OF DIABLE 12 km .: 1h02' 2011 June 26 VACARISSES 14.5 KM: 26' ltd 1H 2011 July 03 SANT MARTI TOUS 20.14 KM. 2011 July 24 CURSA 2H.19' POBLATS IBERICS 9.3 KM: 51'51'' 2011 July 31 2011 20.5 KM TRESCADA. 2011 October 16 Barraques 2H07' Vinya 22.41 KM. October 30, 2011 2:26:38 Cursa Senglar 13.76 KM. November 06, 2011 1:18 Cursa Montserrat 26.7 km Nord. 3h37m 2012 March 11 Cursa Punk Sallent 22.15 KM. Ruby 2,32M 2012 March 18 - Montserrat: 37.5 KM 5H 10M. 2012 05-13 Cursa de l'Alba 05-27, 2012 3:03:52 I Cursa dels Cowards: 11.36 miles 1:08:37 ltd CURSA 2012 06-03 2012 06-17 THE DIABLE 1:12:29 VACARISSES 14 5 KM: 33' 1H 2012 July 01 Sant Marti de Tous 2h 12m. 2012 July 22 Sant Andreu de la B. 1H, 31M. 2012 October 21, 2012 2:47 Barraques Vinya October 28 Marxa Montornés 13 km. November 04 2012 1h16 Cursa Begues 13.8 km. Zinc 1h17' 2013 January 13 February 10 Cims 2.54 2013 2.42 2013 April 07 CASTELLBISBAL CORREBOCS 31 km. 2013 June 02 3h.49 Cursa de Molins: 23.8 km. 16 June 2013 2:12 CURSA BELL July 28 2013 1h25m TRESCADA 23.4 KM. September 07 2013 2H26' PunkTrail Calaf 24.8 km. 2013 October 20 CURSA 2,59h Rellinars 16.5 km. 1,27h

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