Monday, January 6, 2014

Right now I am in the process of translation power city of two books of poetry writer, translator a

Right now I am in the process of translation power city of two books of poetry writer, translator and Hispanist Greek Kostas E. Tsirópulos (Larisa, 1930). power city One, Music (Μουσική included in the compilation of his prose Τελικά Κείμενα Β 'Κανονισμός Βίου, Αθήνα, Ευθύνη, 1992) has a very particular structure. Its subtitle, personal notes about the symphonies of Anton Bruckner, takes the reader on a series of nine prose poems, one for each symphony Austrian composer. Tsirópulos structured poems, such as symphonies, movements. He wrote much of the text of these nouns capitalized. When translating, I decided to follow them. In my opinion, all symphonies poematic refer to the generation of a world. The capital letters power city refer to concepts that only divinity can hold or control: Creation, Light, Dark Creatures, Name, Death. I refer to a poetic interpretation power city or mythical power city (mine) this assertion Spelling of Spanish (Oxford University Press, 2010): "[...] the capital letters are much earlier in time sensitive, which make their appearance in time relatively late. " My intention was to give my text translated from a hieratic character looks, me, has the original Tsirópulos. This reminds me of the profusion of capital letters in the Spanish baroque texts, as stated in the Spelling. In this excerpt from the Fourth Symphony, for example, power city all those concepts are juxtaposed to their God through this typeface. So are framed in His typographic nutritional socket:
Ήχοι και Λέξεις την Σιγή πολεμούν, όμως η ύλη του Κόσμου και του Θεού είναι αυτή η Σιγή, πριν τα Όντα πληγωθούν από τον Θάνατο και σπαράξουν, Ήχους και Λέξεις.
Τότε πού όλα ήταν Φως, ο Κόσμος έλαμπε μ 'άφθορη Σάρκα. Σώμα και Ψυχή αχτινοβολούσαν, καταπίνοντας το Μαύρο της Ζωής. Άνθρωποι, πετούμενα φυτά και, όλα είχαν την δική τους Λέξη.
(My translation of the Fourth power city Symphony, vid. Tsirópulos Kostas E., ed. Isabel García Gálvez series Analecta, Santa Cruz de Tenerife, Intramar Editions, 2009, p. 241).
Οι Θάλασσες της Δημιουργίας μυστηριώδεις βογγούν από πλούτη, όμως ο Άνθρωπος βγαίνει ν 'αλιεύσει και τα δίχτυα του σπάζουν γυμνά. Πε &

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