Sunday, April 26, 2015

Visitors then 10/13 2010

Awakened by the mother, then it was time to go to town and check on workout clothes for me. Yes supposed to become active and start running in the spring, eshop imagine! Though only became angry when they can not find anything good in this city. Then a moment to Sister Sarah, and the talented little Annemo who can say the V70, well then I teach her sensible things to say :) Would the Hajjas a coffee party on the evening, took a tour through eshop the Siwa on the way there. There I found the Smurfs and Tatte that would to the same place, so I jumped on with their Audi vrålåk;) They said they '' bought me at Siwa, and got a cork opener in the bargain '' mouse Yummy Cake Smurf, Tatte, Ida Födesedagsbarnet with his Simon :) LÄGGATÄ Came home from Nathalie's a while ago, there could be the be tonight. To jyst world's most delicious kebabs, love of my life. Happened to find an unopened bag of candy in the bag as well, now I have been thinking if yes'll open it for over an hour. Have not had a godsidpåse in six months .. Would be good .. And I open it not now, then leave this for several months, just like the red string bag lying here unopened, since October. Somewhat tragic. // MOSI
Visitors then 10/13 2010
2012 (218) November (14) October (17) September (21) August (14) July (18) June (23) May (24) April (21) March (21) February (20) January eshop (25) 2011 (255) December (20) November (19) October (20) September (23) August (19) July (17) June (19) May (21) April (25) March (25) Glidarn Long time .. Driving FAKK jee! Great Success! Perfect Joy! I'm alive! 18 anniversary, all the plans ruined Slack-Sunday Day when Frida was bought at Siwa HARDCORE Friday in LARSMO For more breaks than lessons .. Egocentric hairdresser visits and slippery eshop runway Saturday Better than expected From top to bottom Adversity You're driving me crazy, you're looking amazing Coffee & bull Back to everyday car wash The spontaneous evenings are usually the best Friday Morning 11:15 Tired of the snow blossom of spring begins sued .. February (24) January (23) 2010 (64) December (24) November (24 ) October (16)

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