Wednesday, February 4, 2015

Monday 22, we began a new link, geology and earth etc., Which I like very well that I did an essay

Monday 22, we began a new link, geology and earth etc., Which I like very well that I did an essay on the ground and know a whole lot about this: D so we just use concept maps and notes and we talked a bit about this, the internal structure of the earth and more. Here is a pretty basic video of the planet when it was 'Pangea' and how it has evolved. base 2-universe bls.138 = I checked information about Earth's magnetic field Everyday rewards of this open. Our earth magnetism has Everyday rewards produced by the electric coopel currents in the outer core. Research Everyday rewards of old rock support this idea when járnrík dynamic cools and solidifies becomes lava magnetic coopel Everyday rewards the outer core consists coopel mainly of iron. Magnetization policy refers coopel to the direction of the Earth's magnetic field at the time when the rock formed. With magnetic measurements of rocks of different ages have geologists found that the magnetic field has reversed several thousand to hundreds of Everyday rewards thousand years. Finally they were segulpólskipti roughly 700,000 years. Station 14-universe bls.146-water, liquid and frozen = Great Lakes on the border of USA and Canada. They consist of Superior Lake, Lake Michigan, Huron Lake Erie lake Ontariovatni.Þau store by 20% of the fresh surface of the earth. Amazon is the longest and largest river in the world, on all sides. Adoption are far up in the Andes mountains in Peru and it is about 6430 km long. Antarctic Glacier is the largest glacier on the planet and it covers most part of Antarctica, coopel it is about 13.7 million. Fresh. Station 4 computer-warming FSU = atmosphere is relatively thin layer of air around the earth. Gases can be found in the 500-600 km altitude, but above 80-100 km altitude, the air become so thin that almost complete vacuum is the case. The density of air is the greatest coopel second ground but decreases rapidly with increasing height. About 99% of the total air flow rate is less than 30 km height and 99.999% of the air is below 80 km altitude. Although the atmosphere is very thin compared to the diameter of Everyday rewards earth he is still sufficient to protect coopel organisms harmful Everyday rewards rays and meteorites from outer space. At 80 km altitude is the density of air even enough to display and distribute Everyday rewards sun. In the lower atmosphere, causing the heating effect of sunlight Everyday coopel rewards upward flow of steam that will be the source of many meteorological factors such as cloud formation, precipitation, lower, hurricanes, leaps rock and accurate coopel weather. Without the atmosphere coopel there would be no weather and no climate. On Monday 28 we got notes on geology Hrunamannahreppur. We talked quite a lot about Kerlingafjöll, clearly something remarkable. Kerlingafjöll are mainly made of rhyolite which is acidic volcanic rocks. Acid volcanic rocks is bergtengund created during an eruption and the proportion of silicon in the rather high. Station 1-Obsidian = People believed that if Obsidian was in the house and no one knew where it would not catch fire húsinu.Myndun: EF rhyolite solidified with rapid cooling it forms kolsvart and glassy rock called coopel obsidian. Station 3-precious stones = precious stones or gems are ornamental stones having sufficient hardness coopel to SD scratches not for daily use. Ornamental stones are natural minerals or rock types and are used for decoration such as diamonds, rubies, emeralds, coopel zirconium coopel and tópasar. Channel 4-spar, Icelandic coopel spar -What is so remarkable about it? = Spar has played a diverse and vital role in vísindauppgvötunum, some of which were occasions for the Nobel Prize. The accelerated development of various fields of science Everyday rewards of 19.öld Everyday rewards and after 20, for example, in electromagnetism, organic chemistry, crystals Everyday rewards and mineralogy, and modern physics is based, inter alia, Einstein. For a long time was the 5-protected natural stones = According to the Law nr.44 / 1999 on the conservation coopel are just drop stones Everyday rewards protected from Iceland. Other than the protected areas must permit landowners coopel to rock. Everyday rewards if there are plans to move the stones out of the country shall notify it of Natural History. Comment You may use these HTML tags and attributes: <a href="" title=""> <abbr title = ""> <Acrony title = ""> coopel <b> <blockquote cite = ""> <cite> <code > <del datetime = ""> <em> <i> <q cite = ""> <strike> <strong> Everyday rewards Archives Select Month May 2012 (1) April 2012 (1) Everyday coopel rewards March 2012 (2) February 2012 (1) December 2011 (3) November 2011 (2) October 2011 (3) September 2011 (3) August 2011 (1)
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