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Fulvio Grimaldi Do you remember that fry Vladimir Luxuria with Valeria Marini's underpants on his head to act as a protagonist big lots on the show more degrading, reactionary, big lots vulgar, fascist, fer, past the screens of television, l '"Island of the Famous" ? Do you remember the rag Sansonetti, "Liberation", the "Vladimir Force" big lots on the front page in support of the noble race supported by rifondarolo androgynous nell'isoletta Honduras offense and smeared? Then the fascist coup in the pay of the U.S. Obama killed one of the most prestigious and beloved leader of the resistance, a member of the gay community.
Have you heard even one rimbrottino Vladimir? And 'maybe went to Tegucigalpa, banded signs of homosexuals, to protest under the buildings of the murderers of Walter Trochez and hundreds of political activists, trade union and human rights of peasants and indigenous people? Imagine, those mica are invisible to the west organized crime, official and unofficial. Indeed, they are expensive shoots, Pit Bulls guard, indispensable for Honduras return to being the hub of the drug from the Colombian big lots colony and directed to the U.S. market, even with the assistance of Afghan heroin, prosper large U.S. banks
Instead yesterday this shady standard-bearer of any mystification dirittoumanista occurred in Sochi, with yet another attempt to chiassata Pussy Riot, complete big lots with a flag "Gay is OK", to revitalize the sfessata campaign launched big lots by the imperial mercenaries GLBT, bordered by Ascari of complement of the press "left" against the reborn Russia of Vladimir Putin. So much has been shaken, big lots so he schiamazzato, to be done to stop by the police. His martyrdom lasted two hours. Enough media friends to launch a hate campaign already emptied by Putin with Russian anthem sung by two female athletes declared lesbian and hugs with his winning medals of lesbians. Once again this lobby increasingly arrogant and invasive, more and more an instrument of social disruption and misdirection from the struggles that the powers-beam big lots mafia western hurt really, it was put on display in all its ugliness collaborator.
Now we wait for the next Vladimir essential to enhance enterprise with the choirs of the deep harmonies between "manifest" and "Sheet" in the field of Maidan square in Kiev, interwoven with some beefy brute of "Svoboda" (the spearhead big lots of the EU-Nazi USA attempted coup in Ukrainian) engaged in the lynching of yet another cop. At this would serve the debris rifondarolo Luxuria and his cronies in the lobby, to return to the lifeless body of predatory multinational Russia to tear, as in the time of Yeltsin's miraculous rescue and first operated by Putin and his people. We know, there was never greater big lots understanding and harmony between fake and authentic right claims that the headline final: Russia delenda east.
All this is said with undiminished esteem for the GLBT that you do not manipulate the lobby, as for women who do not manipulate feminism to conceal his fury with ginocrate. big lots It will be a banality, but let us repeat: the bastards are everywhere, men and women, gay and straight. I personally find it quite acceptable big lots to the law passed big lots by the Russian parliament which prohibits activities and propaganda of homosexual big lots practices in the presence of minors. Operations on public proselytizing homosexual children and young people, people with a sexual maturation is not completed, represent an abuse of the strong over the weak. Even the Church fails to demonstrate his inclinations. big lots He even makes accuser. In public.
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