Friday, December 6, 2013

If we underestimate the love of others, then we will issue a sober argument. The argument pickup cl

A beggar came pleaded for a rich man. "Pak asking for money, sir" "I do not have a small fortune!," Protested the rich. "The big money may also sir" "I have no money," said the rich annoyed. city lar "Then I'm eating, sir" "I also do not have food '" replied the indignant rich. This time the sound turned beggar confidently. "I joined Mr. yuk!" "Where?" city lar Rich man asked surprised. "We beg together, sir. Later I teach. Mr it not have money and do not have food, I feel sorry for you. I am just a small money does still exist. Later I bought food for Father! "!!!!???!!!! A little story above nuanced humor, which actually has quite the implied message, when we find the reality often occurs in everyday life, may even be the culprit is our own. Sometimes we often underestimate the other person. Because we underestimate our speaker did not use logic to speech worthy of us. As a result of our arguments city lar backfire. Selecting a brief word to argue is one skill that will help us. At least we can save time and make us welcome the idea. The rich actually just want to say that he did not want the love of charity. city lar Probably city lar because he does not like people begging or she assumes that the beggar begging for lazy work. Was not thinking it too fine? Indeed, sometimes we see beggars, deserving nothing but some are seen not deserve to beg. Its worth aided, if we are more capable and spaciousness sustenance there then why do not we help. Because not give charity to those who need a helping hand it is part of the acts of worship. And Allah has also promised, that the people who like to spend their wealth to charity and kindness, will be doubled fortune and reward they receive. But if we are forced to not want to give, it might be worthwhile if we can choose a word or a gesture which is effective. Do not let other people how to reject hurt or even make us look stupid, like the rich on top. If you want to refuse, just say sorry. If you are still forced to say sorry again a little louder. If it is forced, meaning beggar begging but not forced, you may reprimand. The core of this paper is, do not underestimate the other person. whoever they are. Do not dismiss the logic of a child. Do not dismiss logic juniors. Do not dismiss new employees. Just do not underestimate the power of thought of others, whoever they are. A lot of people who appear to be low and poor, they are candidates sebenarmya great people who are still in the process of maturation.
If we underestimate the love of others, then we will issue a sober argument. The argument pickup close to the fault. And it could be a boomerang that embarrass us!! *** (Ferry / net-edit)
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